Untitled Part 1

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William Hawk stood on the end of the platform, admiring the view of the town he once loved. Destruction was the only thing he saw in the future of this city. He felt tears fall down his face, he was young why was he doing this to himself? Someone landed next to him with a thud.

"You've been attacking this town way too long." They spoke, placing a hand firmly around William's shoulder and yanking him back. "I'm going to stop you, Once and for all. Even if it's the last thing I do." William would usually struggle against the persons grip at this point, but he stayed slump, questioning his life choices. 

William Hawk had a plenty of fights with the avengers, so this was currently Hawkeyes dream. To see who was really behind the mask. The mask got torn off from his face, revealing he was just a kid. Hawkeye hesitated for a few seconds, in shock at what he had just discovered. William was let go, allowing him to escape, but he just sat there. What was the point? He wanted help.

"You're just a kid..?" Clint questioned, fear now displayed in his eyes. "I've got to get you to Bruce." He managed to get both of them on the Quinjet that Scott and Clint were given to try and capture the menacing 'Red robin'. Now, that was not the case. 

They rushed back to the avengers compound, calling Tony and Bruce to the Quinjet, which they came quickly too. Clint was supposed to take the captured supervillain to shield, but there was no way he was going to let red robin suffer, he was too young. 

"Weren't you supposed to take him back to shield, and where's his restraint?" Tony immediately asked. Clint did not speak, looking at him with fear laced in his eyes. Tony understood, allowing them inside. Bruce carefully led William through to the medical area, where there were two other avengers because of the fight they had with William a few days ago. 

"You're really letting him in here?" Scott questioned sitting up from the medical bed he was sat at. "I don't think that's a good idea." Bruce ignored what Scott had to say, sitting William down on a chair. He scanned William, allowing them to see Williams name, and who he had DNA from. 

"Tony.." Bruce was stunned when he got the results. "Come look at this." Tony shuffled over, looking at the screen. "They didn't mention anything about having a brother, perhaps they were ashamed of him?"

"They were from Hyrda, though." Tony reminded Bruce, "Maybe they didn't see their brother anymore, and didn't want to talk about it because it made them cry?" He turned to the door. "Maybe we should go get Pietro and Wanda..." 

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