Fall Out Poetry

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Dedicated to Rebecca Jacobsen:

This is my confession.
This is me confessing my love.

I'm not afraid to scream "I love you" from the top of my lungs.
'Cause I know that someone's gonna hear me.

I don't care what people think about us.
The best of us will find happiness in misery.

I've got troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match.
I'm hopelessly hopeful, but thankfully, you're just hopeless enough.
My heart is on my sleeve.
I wear it like a bruise or black eye.

When I'm with you, I feel like I'm living my life, rather than just waiting to die.
Sometimes it's like the whole world is jumping off the bridge and you're the one who's keeping me off of the ledge.

Every time I see you, there's a kick-drum beating in my chest crescendoing.
I'm like a moth getting trapped in the light by fixation.
I'll do anything for you.
'Cause in the end, I'll do it all again.
I think you're my best friend.
I think that I was meant to be next to you.

I can take your problems away with a nod and a wave of my hand, because that's just the kind of boy that I am.
My heart beats for you.

You and I are fireworks.
In between being young and being right, you are my Versailles at night.
You're my plus one on the Fourth of July.
And you've always been the song stuck in my head, every song that I've ever loved played again and again and again.

Our teenage vows in an ice cream store will always mean everything to me.
We stay up till the lights go out.
And as we're drifting off to sleep, all those things I said to you, they'll be yours to keep forever.

I want to go down in history.
I want to be known for my hits, not just my misses.

You say you're no good with words but I'm worse.
Then I try and write something romantic like this and it somehow works.
It might be weighed down with words too over dramatic, but these words are all I have, so I'm writing them.

This is a strange way of saying that I know I'm supposed to love you...
May nothing but death do us part, my love.

I won't stop loving you until your breathing stops forever.

~ Logan (23/5/15)

*If you want to read better Fall Out Poems, go read @LeViNeFrEaK 's stuff. She's got way better ones ;)

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