core memory

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i jumped onto auston, trying to get him to not go to the airport to leave for his game.

"you cant leave me. were engaged now." i said, wrapping my legs & arms around him.

"its one game." he laughed.

"its too long."

he walked around the house with me hanging onto him.

"i really have to go now."

"fine." i said, before dramatically falling onto the floor.

he looked down at me, "just leave me here to cry, steph will comfort me since you dont want too."

"its not that i dont want too, its that i cant. you know if could id stay here with you forever."

he pulled me off the floor, "i love you."

"i love you too."

he kissed me, "i wish i could stay here and kiss you all day but i have to go."

"play good." i smiled.

"i will."

he went to walk out the garage door in the kitchen,

"now go before the girls get up." i laughed, smacking his butt.

he turned around, "wait till i get back tomorrow."

"ill be on pins & needles until then." i joked

once auston left i waited for steph to come over

she walked in, in leggings and a sweatshirt.


"shut up." she laughed.

she sat by me on the couch, "i need a nap."

"lets go lay down."

we went to auston & i's room, getting in bed.

"i got a question for ya." she said with her eyes closed.

"whats up?"

"did you really have no clue that auston was going to propose?"

"i really didnt. i thought it was weird that our families were in and we were going to the beach house without the twins. but i just figured it was best for his schedule for us to spend some time together, just the two of us so i didn't think much of it." i said.

"are you ready to spend forever with me? sister-in-law." she asked.

"yes!" i laughed.

"i cant wait for mitch & i to have kids so we can raise them together."

"yeah, my bad for getting ahead start on that." i laughed.

"its all good. were not ready for
kids, so for now, i love being the aunt." she smiled.

"aunt stephy."

"aunt stephy is going to take a nap now." she whispered.

<>austons pov<>

i walked into the house, i could hear music playing and giggling.

"what is going on in here?" i smiled, seeing the twins dancing on the kitchen island in their pjs and maggie recording them.

"daddy." they laughed.

this is perfect. i never dreamt of life being like that but now i wouldn't have it any other way.

i walked to the island and hugged them.

"i missed my girls."

"good game daddy, i saw you hit that guy!" mattie exclaimed.

"we already had the discussion that we dont hit people like you do at work." maggie said "right girls?"

"yes." adley said.

maggie walked around and hugged me.

"you guys are up late."

"you said you were going to be back late and i wanted to make a core memory."

"the first of many." i said, kissing her.

"you two ready for bed?"

"no!" the girls shrieked.

"too late. its time for bed."

i picked both of them off the countertop and carried them to their room.

"but were not tired." adley said as she yawned.

"you are fighting sleep right now." maggie laughed.

we out the girls in their toddler beds, kissed them good night and left there room.

maggie & i got ready for bed, "whats with that smile on your face?"

"i get to spent everyday with you 3 for the rest of my life." i said, getting into bed. "and i get to wake up to you in the a.m."

"i love you a.m." she said.

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