Careful Steps

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[Art done by Eldritch Chao (my friend) from ArtFight 2021]

Velacera's POV
"N-Now," I gulped as I stood halfway between the two, "let's not fight, they're probably getting away." I looked between the two as their eyes held no emotions that I could read easily. 

"Cousin let's try to remember we are here on a request from our uncle to help one of his hellspawns," Tsathoggua softly scolded as he moved closer with his chair, "it is a chance to meet you, Neverland Star Devil. I am assuming Velacera's Celestial is your Neverland Star is that correct?" Tsathoggua asked tilting his head towards Burakku. 

"Formal Star but now a Blackhole but regardless I will serve Lord Kur until my core fades to nothing," Burakku huffed as his posture relaxed, "mortal legends paint you very different than face-to-face interactions, Tsathoggua, the sleeper of the N'kai?" Burakku moved closer to me and Tsathogua.

"I suppose so but it is better that way as I can rest better knowing my legends differ from my pen name," Tsathoggua peeked open an eye real quick before closing them again, "when I imagined the Neverland Devil and them being dubbed the Celestial Nightmare Devil I imagined more of a monsterous feature than myself." Burakku gave a chuckle at that comment. 

"Suppose so," Burakku hummed with contempt as he looked at me, "Kur had mentioned you before but it's interesting to meet you in person. You must be Velacera?" Burakku asked as he held out his hand. Wait Kur had mentioned me. I took his hand as he shook my hand, "I am quite interested in these twisted fairytales that you write Kur praises them saying it brings more image to the story than the cheap knockoff retellings skipping the content it needs." 

"I-I see," I stuttered as he moved slightly back, "I have a few volumes back in my residents in Conjinham. I am sure Kur can surely show you a few volumes that I had written." Burakku gave a toothy grin before his face dropped as he snapped his head to the right and he growled under his breath. "W-What's wrong?" I asked seeing how Burakku acted. Almost like how Kur reacts to things that happen from afar before snapping to attention to answer me. 

"Lord Kur is in distress," Burakku mumbled low as he snapped back to look at me, "sorry if that scared ya. A force of habit~" Chuma had mentioned how Burakku had a solid connection to Kur. I could see why Chuma mentioned it hours back it's certainly a strong bond between a Star and its well-respected Devil.  

"Which direction then if you can sense him?" Chuma asked as he walked closer. Burakku hummed as he stood straight and held out his hand as light pooled into his hand and turned into a red butterfly glowing the same red hue. 

"I can cast a small tracking spell but my sphinx mares are not as reliable or strong as Kur's sphinx mares," Burakku hummed as the butterfly took off into the air toward the direction he had just looked, "I'll catch up in a bit I have to do a quick clean up of all the Zmora's who are roaming around. Best to rid of those before they harm any being of the mortal realm. They're disgusting in all the means."

Burakku waved as he took off in the opposite direction grinning as he pushed down a shadow that was nearby the shadow made an eerie noise before it dissolved with Burakku's touch a faint red glow from his hand. "Well," Pommy exhaled, "I suppose that is the go-ahead message of going after the main group. Let me fill you in on what we witnessed." 

We followed the butterfly as Pommy explained what he had seen and right before Burakku showed up. Seemingly that they had set many Zmora's up around the area causing much chaos. But what really caught my attention was the mention of a supposedly new hellspawn. "That can't be true," I had spoken up after Pommy had mentioned the Hellspawn's appearance, "I know each and every hellspawn and one of the newest is one I saw before and no other hellspawn looks how you described them."

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