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"Ben," Miranda mumbled drowsily tossing her head from side to side.

"Benjamin!" She yelled sitting up quickly

"Hey, hey I'm here" Ben stood on the side of her bed.

"Oh God, it is you. You're here." Miranda cried happily. "Hey." She greeted softly.

"I'm here and I won't ever go anywhere."

Ben stared at his wife for a long while. Her eye, lip, and cheek were dark purple. The nurses cleaned and dressed her wounds as best as they could.

"I'm so glad you are okay. Richard and Meredith took care of everything health-wise. It's now 11 am the next day. Maggie ruled out any cardiac damage. Of course, the numbers weren't good but it's okay now."

"How did you find me?"

"I put it together when I stood in the living room and remembered telling you about him when you bent over that day....don't let Dr. Wright see you like that. It became clear to me that whoever took you didn't want money because they never asked for any and checking the hospital cameras, I realize that the person didn't want to harm you. They cared about you...at first, I thought maybe I was going crazy because I haven't slept at all and I couldn't eat. I thought I was delirious. Miranda, I was almost to the point of killing myself. Those thoughts kept flying through my head every time I thought about you being killed and harmed."

"Aww, Ben-

"I can't do this thing called life without you. You are my whole entire world. You are the core and the kids are the bonus."

" You mean everything to me too. I knew you would come for me." Miranda informed. "Every time my phone rang I knew it was you."

"It was. I knew that if you could hear it, it would bring you a little comfort."

"It really did....you're my hero." She smiled lightly.

"Oh, the detectives are going to come in about an hour to talk to you."

"Oh my God, Ben you shot him. He was already on the ground it wasn't self-defense...It's okay I will just lie and tell them it was....what did you tell them already? We need to have the same story." Miranda stressed worried.

Ben chuckled and he couldn't help but to cup her face and lean down and kiss her lips. Miranda kissed him back quickly and reached up to cup his face. Ben kept kissing her and he refrained from sucking on her lip, not wanting to hurt her busted lip.

He tried to pull back but she just pulled him forward and kissed him hard.

She let go when she desperately needed to breathe. "God we haven't done that in so long."

"About that Miranda. I am so sorry for how I was treating you. I was jealous."

"Jealous of what? Of me?

"Yeah," Ben admitted scratching the back of his neck.

"After I agreed to take it easy for our family. I began to lose the joy at work. I hate desk duty and everything that comes with working without the thrill. When you came home having quit your job. I was relieved that we were in the same boat. Hating work. But then when you went back and you found love again for surgery and the hospital. I was stuck and I placed my anger on you." He explained. "I felt like I was the only one now making a sacrifice."

Miranda nodded her head. "And I'm so sorry because it's not your fault. I have hated myself ever since you walked out of the house that morning. I never want you to leave my presence not knowing how much I love you. I didn't tell you that I love you. I took you and us for granted."

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