Chapter 7 - Lucius's Nightmare Coming True

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30 minutes later
Lucius woke up being strapped into a round table.
Lucius: Oh no, I cannot let this happen. I cannot let my nightmare happen. This is not how my story ends.
Morgana also being strapped was brought right in front of Lucius.
Morgana: Help me Lucius.
Ishtar: Be quiet or I'll slit your throat.
Lucius: Hey you, you can't talk to Morgana that way.
Ishtar: You know what Lucius, I should be the one whom you should date. Just imagine, you and me sitting on a tree - K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
Lucius: Show yourself to me.
Ishtar: You want me to show myself to you no problem.
Ishtar was about to swing her knife into Morgana but luckily Gabriel broke free from his bondage and got a dagger and stabbed Ishtar in the back.
Ishtar fell to the ground and unconscious.
Gabriel sets Goddess Morrigan, Morgana and Lucius free.
Ishtar turns herself into a gigantic monster and she was after them.

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