Team Superflash vs Leviathan

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Barry and Kara walked up to the team and Dreamer and M'gann told them what happen when Kara left with Barry and how Barry did his light show  Rama Khan, Sela, and Tezumak turn turned to ash but their bodies started to reform like out of a horror movie then Alex says," but that means..." "they're indestructible" Kelly finishes off  "Immortal" M'gann correcting them.

" But when they reformed they said they needed to recharge fully to fight barry," Dreamer says pointing at Barry

Then Kara says," They want us to fight until we drop  so they can distract us from whatever Lex is planning.. but lucky we have Barry to help us," Kara says while holding his hand  " Well Eve knows Lex's plan," Lena says

" and we are going to find out what it is," Barry says running out of the room with Kara right behind him

"Kara do you want me to read her mind to make sure she not lying," Bary asks "yeah sure," Kara says

" Eve ever, can you hear me?" Kara asks
" Is the reporter okay?" Eve asks " yes he told us everything," Kara says

"Please understand... I was trying to protect my mom but now led is gonna kill her" Eve says
"We know you must feel likes there's no way out," Kara says "but it is when things feel their most hopeless" Barry says " that we have to dig down deep to do what's right otherwise the bad guys win," Kara says finishing Barrys sentence

"Help is us, Eve," Kara says " help us fight" Barry finishes off

" Gemma cooper is not who she says she is her real name is Gamemnae ages a member of leviathan just like Rama Khan and tonight they're planning to attack the unity festival after four billion subscribers are inside Gemma will kill them all," Eva says

"Thank you, Eve," Kara and Barry say running out of the room " she telling the truth," Barry says with his eyes glowing purple " ok now let's go tell the team," Kara says " Kara I get team flash to help," Barry says

When they walk into Lena's lab Barry snaps his fingers and team flash is in the middle of the room and fills them all in about what Even said and how Kara needs to convince billions of people to leave a virtual reality paradise of their own free will.

"Hope you've got one of those classic hope speeches handy," Dreamer says " I mean I've done it before but not on this level," Kara says

"Oh if anyone can do it, it's you," Lena and Alex say at the same time " jinx" Alex whispers

" Kara if anyone can convince these people to leave this place it's you, " Barry says cupping her face

" so all right, what do we do about Leviathan?" Kara asks " we fight till our last breath," says J'onn and Barry

" ok but we need to do something to draw leviathan out," Cisco says as long as Dreamer

" We send them a message," Barry and J'onn say
"What are you guys going to say?" Kara asks

"Something to get their attention," J'onn says while his eye glow red and Barrys glow purple

"Kelly opened the back door into the festival it should help protect you from the kill switch," Lena says then Barry teleports in " what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be helping fight Leviathan," Kara asks " I am, I'm projecting my self in your mind so I can help you,"  Barry says while kissing her " Hopefully we get everyone out before Lex and Gemma hit it," kara says " you will," Lena and Barry says

"Let's do this," Kara says then Barry disappears in a purple light

"Wow," Barry and Kara say " This is amazing I've never seen anything like this... No wonder so many people sighed up" Kara say " this reminds me during Crisis see each earth get destroyed by the anti-matter wave over and over again feeling all their pain" Barry said "it's over ok Barr you survived" Kara says while kissing him on the cheek

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