Chapter 7:

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I wake up and I got 6 missed calls. I decide to call my cousin back.
On the phone:
Cousin: what up, ya heard me
Me: nun, what up
Cousin: you didn't here did you
Me: no, what happened
Cousin: Melvin got shot and was killed last night
Me: what *crying
Cousin: you ok
Me- no I ain't ok, what happened
Cousin- he got shot six times, he didn't get no love from the cops nobody got caught
Me : man I gotta talk to you later, right now ain't the moment
(Hang up)
I text Tinashe
TIANSHE (iMessage)-
Me- I was just told Melvin by brother got killed last night
TINASHE- I'm on my way
Me- I want to come by you
TINASHE- I'll come and get you

A couple minutes later Tinashe pulled to the same spot I meet her at. I get in the car and she hugs and kisses me. She massages my neck while driving. We pull up to he house and we go inside. We go up to her room and we turn on a movie, and me and her cuddle. She massage my neck and hugs me and she got me everything I asked for the whole time. I then took a nap on her lap and she was making sure I was comforted and that showed me that she really do care for me.
Hearing it made me feel so down. I made sure he felt comforted. He is sleeping on my lap so I sneak from under him to go to the kitchen. I move his head slowly and I go downstairs to make him some lunch. I turn the stove on and I put some chicken breasts in the pan and I season it. I then put some fresh green beans in a pot and then some Macaroni in a pot. I make some Kool-aid. That all took about 30 minutes. I then make him some chocolate chip brownies and some sugar cookies. That took 20 minutes. I grab out a plate for the lunch then I get another plate out for his dessert . I get a silver tray and I put the plates on it. Then I grab a glass and I pour some Kool-aid in it. I start walking back up stairs and I shake him gently.
" babe, I made you some food" I say
" uh, thanks" he says
" no problem babe, I want to make sure your comfortable, and you can stay here as long as you want ok" I say
" you're mom won't mind?" He says
" nope, I told her what happened and she's completely fine with it" I say
" ok" he says
" ok, now eat eat, I want to know if it's good" I say
He slips some chicken in his mouth
" mmmm, now that perfect " he says
I kiss him and he lays beside me while eating.
" how was your sleep" I ask
" I would close my eyes and sleep but didn't dream no more" he says
" what do you mean" I ask
" I don't dream anymore" he says
" your brother, would want you to chase your dream, just like your brother and your tattoo says you are " self made" you need to remember that" I say
I get out of bed, while August is still in the bed I go and make him some breakfast. I cook him some pancakes, eggs and bacon along with making him some orange juice. I go back up stairs to give him his food.
" babe, breakfast" I say
He eats the breakfast really shocked how I'm treating him.
" babe, can you come to church with me today"
" babe I love you, you know that but, I don't go to church trust me" he says
" come one, God is an amazing person to worship, have faith in him and he won't let you down" I say
" you know what, for you I'll go" he says
" thank you so, much babe"
I get up to get in the shower and I pick out a dress and some heels to wear to church. I hop in the shower and brush my hair into two braids. I then put on some big stud earrings. I put my dress and heels on and I get out so August can use my bathroom in my room.
" babe, I have a suit for you to wear, it's my brothers but he's off to college in Miami so here" I say
He takes a shower and gets dressed. We both go in the bathroom and brush our teeth. We then head downstairs to get in my car. I turn on some gospel music. We pull off and head for my Church. I pull up and we both get out the car.
" hey, gorgeous who is this ?" Says Tommy a boy who has a crush on me
" hey Tommy, this is August my boyfriend" I say
" oh, well I hope you enjoy the ceremony" says Tommy flirting with me but eye balling August
" thanx, bye" I say
We walk away and go inside to take our seats.
" this is a church",asks August
" yea, why" I say
" because this looks like a resort, this is huge" he says
" this is God's house" I say
" MOM, OVER HERE" I call out to my mom
She then comes over by us.
" hi, August how are you" my mom says
" hello, and I'm getting better " says August
" ok, that's great, maybe the words preached today will help you even more" says my mom
" ok, it's starting " I say
Paster Evan starts preaching.
" that was an amazing ceremony" says August
" I told you" I say
We start walking out when Paster Evan walks up to us.
" hello, Tinashe, who is this gentle men" says Paster Evan
" um, this is August, my boyfriend" I say
" hello, August how what did you like today's ceremony" asks Paster Evan
" all of it but mostly about how to redeem yourself" says August
" are you having life issues son?" says Paster Evans
" uh, my brother just died, and having her by my side is helping one half of me" says August
" well, my advice to you is to keep the ones that care close by" says Paster Evans
" I am never going to let a good beautiful girl go" says August
" I love seeing Tinashe happy" says Paster Evans
I laugh and then I give August a kiss.
" well, thanks Paster today was an amazing ceremony" I say
" alrighty, bye sweetie and you look beautiful darlin'" says Paster Evans
" thank you and your not to bad yourself, bye" I say
I give Paster Evans a hug and me and August head back to my car.
" so where you want to go"
" uh,can I drive" asks August
" uh, sure babe" I say
We both get out the car to trade seats. Then we pull off.

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