3 (drunz) part 1

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Royal au

Tw: abuse, bullying

Request by pallyrollke

No one's pov

Have you heard the arctic kingdom that the sbi family had a daughter the only girl in the family, she was the most kind hearted person and the villagers love her but the sbi didn't love her they adore her and her name is dream this is her story

(At dream's bedroom)

Dream's pov

I was just sleeping peacefully in my comfy soft bed until a knock on the door interrupt my beauty sleep I groaned that the knock keeps going "come in" I said in medium voice that they could hear it while I'm I'm still sleepy "your majesty it's time to wake up" a female voice said I open my eyes slowly then I sat up and rubbing my eyes how still tired I was "morning hannah" I said in tired voice "good morning your majesty I'm glad your awake now the others are waiting for you at the dining room" "ok thanks for inform me hannah you can leave now" she smile at me and left I got up from my bed and doing my morning routine.

After my morning routine I walk straight to the dining room to eat some breakfast when I got there the other are already here "morning father, morning brothers" I said they look at me and smile "morning sweetie" father said while my brothers say the same thing I got to my chair and sat down ready to eat "so dream there's something I need to tell" father said I look to him "what it is father" he grab a letter and give to me I took it and open it I was shocked and happy "what's the letter said sister" tommy said "I..I got in!!" I said in joy I heard father chuckled while my brothers were shocked "wait really!!" my oldest brother wilbur said I nod "congrats big D!!!" "thanks toms and I can't wait to tell punz" I'm so happy and that means me and punz going to school together "oh I forgot about him that he's also went to that school" my older brother technoblade said I just chuckled what my brother said so we continue talking while eating.

I run towards to the training ground were punz was to tell him the news while I get there I saw him doing sword training "punzy!!!" I yelled he look at me and smile "hey love" when I get closer I hug him after that I look up to him smiling in excitement "what's with the smile love" "oh it's that, I got in" "wait really!!" he said in overjoyed "that's amazing that means we can go to school tomorrow" "yes!!" he kiss me on my forehead makes me laugh and tomorrow will be an excitement day

(The next day)

This is the day I got everything ready and excited for my first day we were waiting outside the palace for the carriage to come until it came punz came out the carriage helping me to grab my stuff before I get inside the carriage I run to my father and hug him and hug me back with my brothers followed after our hug I look up to them with a sad smile "I'm gonna missed you guys" "we're gonna missed you too and please be careful" father said "don't worry father I'm with punz" "yeah if he doesn't taking care of you he'll get punished" "techno come on we talk about this" he just rolled his eyes and I just chuckled I went to the carriage and went inside punz closed the door and the carriage starts moving I look at the window saw my family waving at me goodbye and I wave them back.

(At the academy)

Hours of riding we're already here the place was beautiful that I imagined punz hold my hand and leading me to the principal's office when we got there the principal gave a schedule note and a dorm key I thank her then we went straight to my dorm.

When we get to my dorm the inside was beautiful it had bookshelve with tons of books I can read them "ok love since we're here now do you wanna explore around the academy I can show around" "of course" "come on your gonna love it here" he said while grabbing my hand I just chuckled.

(Night time)

Me and punz we're at my dorm helping me unpack my stuff until we finish "ok finished, thanks for helping me punz" "anytime love" punz said I went to my bed and sat down how exhausted I am "punz aren't you supposed to go back to your dorm and where's at" "yeah I'm going now and my dorm was at the white building for all knights only" "can I visit there right?" "of course you can but not on night time you might get caught" I chuckled "I'll take that as a note and thanks for giving me a tour around here the academy" "you're welcome and don't be late for your first day" "I won't" punz walk towards me and kiss me and of course I kiss back after that he went towards the door "I'll see you tomorrow" he said and got out, I got up from my bed and to get change and get some sleep after change I went back to my bed and lay down because how sleepy I am and that I closed my eyes and tomorrow will be a great day


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