14 (dream x jschlatt)

420 7 2

Warning: mention smoking

College au


No one's pov

The tall brunette named jschlatt but he prepared schlatt without a J was hanging out some troublemakers friends even though he's also one, they were just talking while they were smoking, talking about how they were got in trouble and ended in detention of course schlatt always gets in trouble not only breaking the rules of the school but being the biggest bully but that change everything.

Schlatt excuse himself to get some food at the vending machine when he got there someone already at the vending machine the taller smirk and went to the person "hey what are doing in my area....." said schlatt as he stop when the person turned to him in confused "can I help you?" said the person with a soft voice of course schlatt didn't respond all he do is look to the person who seems...pretty.

Making the teller's face red and didn't respond again making the person more confused and uncomfy "look I have to go it's nice meeting" the person said and left, schlatt just keep staring at the person who just left he was mesmerized the person's features he had a dirty blonde hair, cute freckles around his cheeks, green emerald eyes, feminine body even though the person was a boy, and of course he love the person's voice a lot and he wanted to heard that voice forever making him calm.

When schlatt returned to his gang he was just quiet couldn't say anything because he was thinking about the person he met earlier, that's his friends noticed him "hey dude what's wrong?" "nothing just...seeing..someone" schlatt said just keep staring at the floor.

(Minutes later)

After the hangout schlatt went to his locker to get his stuff until he heard a open locker on his side, the tall brunette turned around suddenly he froze and surprised that it was the same person also they're locker were next each other, schlatt keeps staring at the blonde suddenly the shorter noticed him.

He look up to him and ask "can I help you?" "oh uummm..no I don't need anything" "then why you keep staring at me?" schlatt's face became red and he immediately closed the the locker and run away making the blonde confused 'what just happened' the blonde thought himself

(At the park)

After what happened schlatt was just sitting at the bench and couldn't stop thinking about earlier he was embarrassed and thinking that he might scared the blonde being and idiot he groan 'and now he thinks I'm a weirdo god I'm such and idiot' he thought so he took a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket.

He was about to light it up until a angelic voice respond making the taller flinch "you know smoking is bad for your lungs right?" the person said as the taller look who it was revealed was the same blonde boy earlier suddenly the brunette's face became red and started panicked.

"Uuhhh yeah!!! yeah I know that hahahaha!!!" schlatt said as he throw both cigarette and lighter at the trash bin side of the bench, the blonde just crossed his hand "okay also why you didn't respond while I was asking you earlier" "oh that sorry I was just...umm awkward that's all and sorry if I make you uncomfortable" said schlatt.

"Apology accepted" the blond said as he sat down the bench next to schlatt of course the brunette was panicked again from the inside "uuhhh na-names jschlatt you can call me schlatt without a J" the blonde chuckled making the red eye brunette red more 'cute' he thought "daydream but I prefer dream" "wow your name totally fits you" the mumble to himself.

The blonde chuckled again of he hear it what he said "you heard that didn't you?" "yes and thanks I guess" the two just in silent but schlatt wanted to talk more until "well I should get going" dream said as he got up and look to schlatt "you're leaving?" schlatt ask.

"Yeah my mom will be so worried if I don't get home early" "well can we hangout tomorrow?" "sure if I'm not busy" schlatt smile and the blonde smile back "I'll see you tomorrow schlatt" the blonde said as he walk away, schlatt just staring at dream who walks to his home and he just smile and excited tomorrow.

(2 months later)

The two already dating and happy they are, and funny before the two dated the brunette's friends heard that he was hanging out with a nerd they were about to ruined there relationship but it didn't go well when the blonde heard about it he confronted them and acting like a mother hen.

Of course they apologize for everything and to everyone, everything was doing great but sometimes schlatt and his friends were afraid to the blonde when he heard that they were in trouble of course he will confronted them and schlatt loves him so much even though he was scary sometimes acts like a housewife and his friends and the blonde's mother are happy for both of them.

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