Beneath the bloodied sky

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A/N: I don't have the time to prove read everything cause I'm more motivated to continue the story so I'm sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes cause phone keyboard u k:/


For a long time, Rin felt nothing as the sensation of continuous falling rushed through his body.
Pure blackness surrounded him leading to complete disorientation.

After what felt like multiple long minutes, a dark red light started to form in the direction he was falling. As he drifted towards the light, he didn't seem so slow down, he noticed.
A few seconds later with a horrible cracking sound, Rin crashed through the light into the ground. The ground was littered with grass, however it took on a sickly yellowish color and looked a bit burned as well.

As consciousness returned to the boys mind, it became difficult to open his eyelids, but once he did so, was met with an astonishing but yet terrifying view.

A burning sensation washed over him as a red purple sky came into view. Was this hell? The eternal fire for the fallen ones to burn in forever? At least it felt like it.

"For a human to survive this fall until now is truly extraordinary, most he came here until now in the past centuries didn't even make it to this point in one piece. The portal is not designed for human beings and so it must have done great damage to your physical body. For you to survive now, because your body cannot live inside Gehenna for more than a few moments, you need to reconnect fully with your heart that was sealed through that disgusting sword. It might even happen for you to die, but don't worry, I will send a postcard to your friends after your demise to let them know, Hahahhahahahha. "

'Die?! What?! Stop talking shit you bastard! I told my dad to stay alive and now I cannot possibly just die here and succumb to mere bone and flesh!...'

All he could do was think his thoughts through, because he felt unable to utter even the simples word. As it felt like his organs began to boil and split in half, he a silent scream tore from his throat. It felt like his body was starting to melt or rot from the inside out, while a burning sensation constantly crushed against his skin.

"I see, the decay of your human body had already begun. I cannot imagine the suffering you must experience right now. Yet, there is a way to end all this pain.
Form your flames and let them spread."

As if on command, Rin's body was tinted in a magnificent shade of blue as his flames started to release from his body. It wasn't on his command, he was sure of it, but rather am instinctual reaction of his mind with the purpose of survival.
But once the flames reached a certain intensity, he lost the ability to rule over them and released them completely out of his control. Now, a real throaty scream escaped his lips as his body started to be cremated by his very own flames.

The thrilled voice in his head let lose an exited laugh while Rin's flesh turned to mere black ash.
Now he knew what real pain felt like, as what happened right now was nothing more than pure torture for Satans amusement and entertainment.

Ones the full power of the flames stopped being fuelled by Rin's body, the blaze dies down and left nothing more than a charred lifeless corpse behind.

With a 'thump', Rin's deformed corpse hit the ground and his limbs broke from his torso.
All that remained was a blackish cremated dead body of a young innocent boy....


It was a few days after the incident with Rin. From that point on, Shiro always kept the Koma Sword by his side and never let it vanish from his gaze. For him, it was the last thing remaining of his son, and if something were to happen to Rin, he might notice it through the swords condition. It was a possibility at least.

Because still, Kurikara worked as a strong catalyst between Rin's body and demon heart.

It was in the afternoon hours as he stood before the class and kept the disturbed questions flung at him at bay. A few minutes ago, he informed the exwires about the incident taken place a few days ago. The mere thought of that late evening made him feel sick to the bones. 'It was his fault that Rin was not among them anymore', he thought. He is the Paladin for gods sake. Why wasn't he able to rescue even his own son.

With these thought he stood before a bunch of disturbed and questioning teenagers as he tried to rule his emotions.

It was then that a sharp clinging sound shot across the room and with a 'bang',the red bag containing Kurikara flew against the wooden floor near the teachers desk where it was placed a few seconds prior. Dark steam started to release itself from the bag and what seemed like a hole, burned itself through the fabric.

With an equally shocked as confused expression, Fujimoto turned in it's direction and stumbled forward to grab the bag's sling, as it seamed to be burning from the inside.

Careful fingers traced the fabric and revealed the familiar hilt of the demon blade. As he pulled the whole weapon out of the bag, multiple gasp could be heard among the present. Yukio, who previously stood near the teachers desk leaning against a wall, stepped forward, confusion clearly written all over his face.

"Father, what is that supposed to mean?!"

It was obviously to everyone that Yukio meant nothing less than the dark burn mark splattered across Kurikara's sheath. Hesitantly the Paladin grabbed the swords hilt and pulled.

The remnants of dim blue flames graced the blade but in a matter of seconds flickered out. Expect the familiar wave of fire spreading from the metal, the exorcists were met with a dreadful sight.

Kurikara's long fine blade was shattered near the hilt and the remaining side of the defined metal busted to the ground as Shiro turned the sheath.
Steam still rose from the breaching point where the blade had split.

"Oh god."

Pure consternation was plastered on the faces of the exorcists as confusion engulfed them.

"What is that supposed to mean? What happened to Rin?"

The exwires all shared the same question but it was Shiemi who voiced the thought.

"Kurikara serves as a catalyst between Rin's physical mortal body and his demon heart. Without that catalyst, his body probably couldn't contain the full power of Satans flame and would disintegrate within moments. That it's broken now only has two possible reasons. Either Rin or his heart was destroyed which in terms would deflect to the opposite. That is because neither one of them can survive completely without the other. Sealing is possible, complete annihilation of one of the two for the other to still survive is not. Both parts are sewn together and need to coexist.
Which means the first option is if Rin is dead. The second possibility however is if the sword as Rin's catalyst wasn't needed anymore or would even act as a suppressor. That means that there is the possibility that Rin's body, mortal or not, was reunited with his demon heart. Since I've become an exorcist I've never witnessed a reunification of a demon and it's heart because Rin's case is completely unique, so I cannot name the process nor the outcome.
However I imagine that it must be a painful one."

A bitter atmosphere settled between the exwires and the two exorcists.

"So that means either way, Rin is gone? Oh god-"

It was again Shiemi that broke the silence. Her body began to shudder and one could hear faint whines from her. Bon first wanted to make a remark on her behaviour and that is was oh so ironic to how she treated and ignored Rin in the past weeks, but decided against it as memories of the silvery pattern that decorated Rin's forearms. Yet still without those memories, even he realised that now wasn't the time to fight.

The little wails filled the classroom and weighted on the present people's backs. Even if they wished for Rin to leave cram school, they felt guilty at the thought of his death. Because deep inside they remembered that they had a role in all of this as well.

Even if they didn't know how to do so, only one thing remained for them to do now. Because as they realised they've overdone their way of treating Rin, they also knew that nobody, not even Rin who swore to kill Satan, deserves to be taken to hell. 'How ironic.', Bon thought as the recognition hit him, as he once said for Rin to go to hell and to run to his bastard father.
As the sobbing came to a halt, Shiemi lifted her gaze and voiced what most had in mind right now.

"We need to safe Rin!"

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