First encounter?

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The silence in the office on this cold morning was broke by Heels clicking against the marble Floor.

The workers turned their gaze to the source of noise. But soon they look on their paperwork again, scared of the person who just entered the building: Bella Steffansson. Her long dark blond hair were tied in a ponytail.

Next to her, was her personal assistant m.s. James. They both entered the elevator to join the office of Ms. Steffansson.

"What's on my schedule today?" Her voice sounded annoyed and tired, surely because she got home late the night before. "You have a meeting with Mr. Lombardi and his son, and then you have the press conference about the scandal" Bella clicked her tongue, annoyed by the events she has today. "Do I have to go to this stupid press conference?" "With all of my respect Ms. Steffansson, it'll just confirm the lies that Mr. Smith profaned if you don't go there." A sigh escaped the tall and intimidating women's lips: "Okay fine, I'll go then"

The elevator stopped, informing the both women that they arrived at the 30th floor. The women stepped out of the elevator. They got greeted by the workers.

Ms. James was kindhearted and warm person, she smiled at everyone, and always tried to help her cold boss. She was scared of Ms. Stefansson, but she still admired her.

Ms. James, also called Attakai, got this personal assistant position by chance, she was only a simple worker then. Her task was to make coffee, although she didn't got hired for that. One day Ms. Steffansson saw her with all the coffee cups and asked her why she wasn't doing her real task. When she heard that the others forced her to it she took her as a personal assistant. Attackai was very grateful for this position because she loved to organise things.

From far Bella saw two tall figure standing in front of the door that leads to her office, waiting for her. "Probably the Lombardis" she thought.

A.N: Attakai, from the Japanese "暖かい" means warm. I used it do describe how Ms. Jame's personality is

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