A familiar face

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The men turned around as soon as they heard Bella's heels coming into their direction. The oldest one, who Bella supposed was the father, greeted you with a handshake. "Ms. Steffansson, thank you for giving us your time." The second one, who was obviously younger, shook her hand after his father did.

Bella opened the door of her office turned to the men and said: "Well then, shall we go in?"

Then, she leaned to her assistant and said: "Take care of them, I'll be right back" and with these words, Bella left and walked to the bathroom.

She entered the bathroom and closed the door. She sat on the floor, her breath starting getting irregular. "What the hell is he doing here?" That was the only phrase that was reasoning trough her mind.


And again. Again Bella was left alone without anyone to help her.

It's kinda fun, she told her she would never leave her and now, there she is, all alone staring at the sky.

The Moon was shining, just reminding Bella off her beautiful smile.

Why? Why was she alone? She was never mean with anyone before, she always put the happiness of other people before her own happiness and still, people leaved her behind. Like she was some stone that people throw away when they were bored.

She slowly walked home. But she felt alone. She wasn't there anymore to make her lame jokes. She wasn't there anymore to steal her bag and run away with it. How could she?

The worst thing that a person can do is coming into your life, becoming a special person and make you feel like a special person and then leave you alone.

That's exactly what she did. Bella didn't expect her to do that. Especially because she told her she would never do that. Liar. She wasn't different from the other people. She was like them, selfish, egocentric and mean.

Thinking about it, it wasn't that bad, She've always been better without anyone, alone.

She always had that idea that she will die alone, with 50 cats.

End of the flashback

Bella calmed herself down before walking out of the bathroom like nothing happened with her usual signature glare.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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