Beyond fear

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I wonder why, all of a sudden, I'm having nightmares. I've spent my whole life sleeping peacefully, without any worry. But now these frightening dreams invade me, preventing me from finding rest.

My heart beats so hard that I feel like it's going to explode. And this urge to vomit, this sensation that tightens my throat, as if something is trying to suffocate me. Mia calls it "Fear." I refuse to admit it to myself, but I'm starting to wonder if she's right.

I am surrounded by my friends, who look as worried as I am. They question me, trying to understand what's going on.

« Jenny, what's happening? », Jack asks me, looking concerned.

I don't know what to tell them. How could I explain to them that these nightmares seem so real, so frightening, that they make me feel like I'm losing my mind?

« You weren't waking up, but you were having convulsions », Alice adds, looking worried.

« Should we call your dad? » Ben suggests.

« No, no, » I say, sitting up. « He said not to bother him. By the way, I was having a nightmare. »

My friends all look surprised.

« You, Jenny, had a nightmare? » Mia teases.

« It's true, and it seemed real », I reply.

« So, you were scared? », Alice asks.

« NO! », I answer reassuringly. « You know I'm not scared. »

I can't admit to them the sensation I'm feeling, or they will confirm their theory of supernatural things and such.

« Well, the movie is over, it's time to sleep! », I say to stop this discussion. We all get up, and I show the boys to the room where they will sleep. With the girls, we go to my room.

Everyone is asleep, but I can't close my eyes. I keep thinking about this nightmare, it was so real. Why am I having nightmares? Why now and not before? I remember the nightmare and everything becomes clear. It's since the day we went to that cabin that these nightmares have started. I sit up in bed. So that would mean that ghosts or all these things really exist? No, no, I don't want to believe it, it doesn't exist.

I leave the bed and go downstairs to the living room. I turn on the lamps. If it's true that it exists, I don't want to see it in the nightmare, because dreams are the fruits of our imagination. I'll see it with my own eyes.
« Uh, ghost! », I say softly. « Come, I'm waiting for you, stop hiding and appearing only in my dreams! », I look like a crazy person talking like that to myself. It's just a coincidence, my friends have talked to me so much about their horror stories that my mind starts playing tricks on me.

I turn around to go up the stairs to go back to sleep when I run into Ben, who is also not sleeping.

" What are you doing here ? » I ask him.

"I heard noises and saw you coming out of your room," he whispers to me.

"I can't sleep, neither can you from what I see? »

"At these times, I can no longer sleep. »

" Oh yes I see ! » I look down. I feel intimidated when we're both alone like this.

"And you, are you okay? Because I noticed that lately, you have been a little elsewhere," he said, moving closer to me. I am more and more intimidated.

" Me ? Everything is fine. »

"Lately, you were telling us that there was something strange about the abandoned cabin you visited with the others, and you even talked about spirits, those kinds of things. »

I stay here. I don't even know what answer I can give him.

"Everyone knows you don't believe in these things and you don't even like to talk about it," he adds. The worst part is that he's right. I can't tell him about the nightmare and my conclusions, otherwise he will think I'm crazy.

"Oh no, I was just kidding, I just wanted to see how you would react," I said smiling.

He stands there in front of me. I look down, and he lifts my head with two fingers.

"Jenny, do you know that I care about you very much? ", he said seriously.

I only respond with my head. My mouth is blocked, my eyes are frozen in his.

"There's something I need to tell you." I admit that I've been wanting to tell you for a while, but I don't dare," he continues.

Yes, finally he's going to say it. His feelings. It was time.

" It's what ? ", I said shyly. My breathing quickens along with my heartbeat. My eyes are locked into his, and I can't tear myself away from them.

"Jenny Scott, I love you," he said, staring at my lips, then my eyes.

My heart beats faster and faster, I heard "I love you". I'm going to throw a fit. He moves his face towards mine, our faces are pressed together, I feel his breathing, what a pleasant feeling. Our lips are about to touch, when I hear someone telling me to wake up. Oh no, don't tell me it's...

I wake up and realize it was just a dream. Alice shakes me out of bed.

"And miss, it's 7 a.m., wake up!" »

Oh no, why? Why did I wake up when Ben wanted to kiss me?


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