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(nvm I'm kinda wierd sometimes)

'I'm doing it all for him anyways, I should just spill it out fast'
Felix thought as he pulled Hyunjin closer.

Hyunjin's voice interrupted his thoughts.
"please, answer me honestly. You won't leave me right?"
He asked with a dull tone, eyes eagerly staring onto Felix's while waiting for an answer.

Felix shaked his head as a 'no' and hugged him.
he added as he pecked the younger's forehead. Hyunjin felt relief wash over him at the gesture,putting aside his negative thoughts,he relaxed into Felix's arms. Hyunjin didn't want to push the situation any further and waste his time investigating the older. Just a simple one word answer from Felix was enough for him to gain his faith back.

"I can't understand why you would even imagine something like that"
Felix murmured.
"I'm so sorry hyunie, I made you worried"
He said again, a bit louder with an apologetic tone.

"it's alright hyung, now that you're here I'm all fine"
Hyunjin breathed out.


"I think I'm gonna tell Hyunjin today about it"
The blonde male said looking around and making sure Hyunjin wasn't around.

"yeah but don't you think you efforts will be wasted it you do so?"
The other male replied.
"Hyunjin should know about it as soon as possible...he has the right"
He added.

"I know but still...change of plans I guess"
"and I'm sure he will be happy as me when he finds out"
Felix seemed to sound astonishingly exicted when he said it that the other male couldn't help but wonder, and also be happy for him.

"anyways...all the best for it!"
He said enthusiastically.
"thankyou Chris hyung"
Felix replied to Chris, the one he has been talking to till now then ended the call.

'I should get everything ready, I can't wait for tonight'
Felix thought in his head, making his way towards their shared room. With a growing smile, he pulled the drawer of the table beside the bed taking out a small box where he had kept the secret he had been hiding from Hyunjin since a long time.

He looked at the box while caressing it with his thumb slowly.
"I'm waiting for you baby"
He whispered.

"we're home!"
The door clicked open and closed. Hyunjin walked in with Eva on his arms as he picked her up while returning from work today. Both daddy and daughter being giggly kids when they reach their home.

"welcome back my loves"
Felix shouted from the kitchen, then coming to them while wiping his hands on the apron. He kissed Eva's cheeks then moving to peck Hyunjin on the lips.
"how was your day?"
He asked lovingly.
"kinda tiring...JYP couldn't stop rambling about stuff and I almost had a headache listening to it"
Hyunjin explained rolling his eyes about how much his boss nagged about everything.

Felix chuckled shaking his head.
"have lunch, then I'll give you a massage"
He said.

Hyunjin grinned at his husband, raising his eyebrows.
"can you stop thinking dirty for at keast once? jesus christ!"
Felix hit his husband playfully. Hyunjin laughed and went to the dining table.

The three of them had their lunch, more like dinner as it was late and watched a couple of Disney movies before Felix put Eva to sleep. When Felix arrived, Hyunjin was waiting eagerly for him while hugging his knees. But he looked a bit puzzled when he saw a small box in Felix's hands.

Felix couldn't look into Hyunjin's eyes as he was nervous, fiddling the box anxiously between his fingers. He sat beside Hyunjin.
"what's that?"
Hyunjin pointed out.
"umm...look for yourself"
Felix handed him the box with a very enthusiastic look.

Hyunjin simply took the box without further thoughts or word. He glanced at Felix once before pulling the top and opening it.

Felix bit his lower lip, nibbling on it. His palms sweating.
Hyunjin was unable to form words, almost feeling tears on his eyes.
"are you happy?"
Felix whispered.
Hyunjin nodded vigorously pulling Felix in for a tight hug.
"are you really?"
He asked and could feel Felix nodding.

"we're gonna have another baby!"
Hyunjin exclaimed with teary eyes. He pulled out of their hug, cupping Felix's face and peppering it with kisses.
"since when??"

"t–two weeks"

"why didn't you tell me?!"

"I wanted to surprise you on our anniversary, I was also planning a small party to announce you about this but...seeing you like that yesterday it didn't sound right to keep hiding things from you"
Felix explained.
"you know jinnie, when I went out the earlier days, I was meeting Chris hyung. He was the one helping me with the arrangements. It felt wrong at certain times but I wanted to make it memorable for all of us. I'm so sorry I hurt you like that, I was doing it all for you–"

"shhh it's fine lix"
Hyunjin gently patted Felix's head.
"don't blame yourself, and I understand that you were struggling to prepare something for me but...always remember that you're my biggest surprise, I could never ask for anything else than my family's happiness"
He pecked his husband's lips, continuing it into a soft yet passionate kiss before pulling out due to lack of air.

They both smiled cheekily at eachother, hearts melting at the sight of their happy faces.
"can I touch it?"
Hyunjin said pointing at Felix's belly. Felix nodded and held Hyunjin's hands, guiding it under his shirt and letting him feel the very tiny bump forming there.

"thankyou for this gift, you're truly amazing"
Hyunjin said adoring the expression on Felix's face as he talked.


"I'm truly happy for ya'll"

hris said exicted. Hyunjin and Felix said thankyou in unison as they were doing a video call with him.
"and Felix...you really made him wait for too long"
Chris added with a scoff.

Felix gasped.
"It was a surprise though"
He whined.

"it's alright now, we can just celebrate our anniversary"
Hyunjin reassured.

"yeah, stay happy you two. I'm rooting for yall"
Chris ended the call after saying as he was still in his workplace. Hyunjin and Felix waved with a smile before closing the laptop.

Felix sighed as he laid on the bed with his husband, placing his head on top of his chest.
"hey...shouldn't we tell Eva too? she would be so excited to know about her upcoming sibling"
Hyunjin said gently stroking Felix's hair, making his head feel light.

Was all Felix said before he closed his eyes to sleep as he got tired easily nowadays. Hyunjin hummed as he switched off the bedside lamp and shifting into a more comfortable position.

"night Lixie"
He pecked Felix's forehead.
I feel like i shouldn't have made much of a big deal about it🤨🤨
and thankyou for 1k😭🫶🥹

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