4. BAEKHO (17+)

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It was 10am, Sarang saw Samuel was tidy, "You still want to leave?" asked Sarang who took a sip of the soju, "did you not sleep all night?" Samuel asked, but Sarang didn't respond.

"I asked where are you going?" she threw away the rest of the soju that still had half a bottle left, then returned to Samuel, "buy my needs, i can't keep wearing the same clothes and underwear."

Sarang goes to her room takes the car keys and, "what's that for?" Samuel Seo asked because Sarang gave him a hat and mask.

"I'm still not sure, cover up your tattoos, put on this hat and mask." Sarang lowered the sleeve that the boy had rolled up on purpose, because his tattoo was too conspicuous and then gave him a black hat and mask, "let's go."

"I feel stupid now, why do we have to use all of this stupid stuff?!" Sarang put on her hat, "can't you speak softly to me? I have to, let me accompany you shopping."

After that they didn't speak anymore and drove the car towards the nearest market.


Her eyes darting around, Samuel who noticed that, sighed heavily, from the beginning arriving at this market, the girl he was with now had always been very vigilant.

"If you go on like that, it will only make you stand out even more, stupid." Samuel said because this strange girl couldn't calm down, while he was still busy looking at his clothes and pants.

After paying everything he returned to Sarang. "I'm done, isn't there anyone selling underwear in this market?" Samuel asked, "we have to go inside again, there are lots of cheap bra's selling-" Sarang held back her smile seeing Samuel annoyed face, "there are men's underwear too, come on~"


"You done? What else do you need?" asked Sarang, "goods for bathing, accompany me to the Mall, which sells good quality at low prices." Samuel Seo got a strange look from Sarang, "Why? My wallet has lost all my cards there and I only have some cash, hurry up!"


Samuel POV

Upon arrival at the Mall, we quickly searched for the item, "how much?" I reached into my pocket, "70.000 won sir." I cursed myself, I only had 50.000 won left. I approached this girl, "Do you have 20.000 won?" she went straight to the cashier and paid for my groceries, "hey I only borrowed 20.000 won..."

"Just save the rest of your money, you don't have any more money to buy important things later right? Change my money whenever you can, let's go home." The answer is way ahead of me.

Author POV

When going down the escalator, Sarang's eyes widen, "kiss me!" she said gently nudging the boy's arm, "what do you mean?" Samuel look's confused.

"Quickly kiss me! just pre-" she paused, meaning not like this. The guy's lips were pressed against hers, when Samuel Seo had stopped, Sarang held the boy's nape, after going down the escalator she immediately pulled Samuel Seo to the nearest toilet.


Samuel stared at the girl in front of him in disbelief, "I mean pretend to kiss me, you stupid! Not a real kiss, we have to go now!" she just pulled the hand, "... your unclear speech earlier, who did you see? and why did i have to kiss you?"

"Are you stupid or something? Because anyone doesn't want to see couples making out in public and don't you ever think I'm a pervert! I saw Aunt from Baekho, how did she get here? I told you it's not safe to go far from my house, right? Now what? We have to leave now, or else she'll-"

Samuel covered the mouth of the girl in front of him, "Calm down, she went upstairs, right? We have time, let's go."

The two of them walked quickly towards the car park before meeting the woman.


"Shit! Where's the key? Where did I put it? Do I leave it in the mall? No way, there must be here come on..." Sarang was busy looking on every side of the dashboard of her car, Sarang's hands were shaking while Samuel Seo didn't understand why this girl was so panicked.

He took the key in the girl's hoodie pocket, "here, start the car, now!"

After leaving the Mall, Sarang's eyes kept looking at the car mirrors to make sure no one was following her.

"How did she get here? The location where she found Samuel first is quite far from here, does she already know? No way, she can't even see my face, does she live around here? The mall isn't that far from my house.. maybe I just.." Sarang was busy fighting with her own thoughts so that she didn't realize the boy beside her was calling her.

"Sarang! Don't daydream while driving, look at you in cold sweat and pale, we are far from the Mall, you can rest easy now."

Sarang woke up, and wiped her sweat, "ah no, the weather is really hot here.." she turned on the highest car air conditioner, Samuel lowered her cold level, "You're not good at lying, where are we going now? This has already crossed the road to your house."

"To Jake Kim and Lineman's place, he wanted to talk to you yesterday."


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