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"Will you take the mission?" Mori asked
as Alex looked away.

"Will I get paid extra in this case?"
She asked noticing how the mission was extremely dangerous and she had such short notice.

"We'll see."

"Then so will I." She answered, making more laugh.

"Fine, you'll get paid extra." He said
as the girl smirked.

"Now we're talking," Alex said turning
around to leave. "If you will excuse me, I need to get started with the mission."


She was exhausted, tired, and ready to die.

If someone were to pull a knife on her she'd have walked right through the knife herself.

The reason?

Chuuya and Dazai. One other reason she
wanted to get extra payment. She was their babysitter at that point.

"Shush it you two!" Alex huffed, annoyed at their bickering as she
started to deactivate a bomb tied around one of their men.

"Wait! Maybe I could die like this!! Painless and quick! Blown away by this bomb~"

"Along with the rest of this place, sure. Go ahead." Chuuya said sarcastically.

"Why thank you, I might as well-"

"I swear to God SHUT UP!"

They both froze as she looked at them with the most frustrated and threatening look she could pull on those two.

"Okay.." they both whispered as Alex sighed and continued to deactivate the bomb. She was still irritated by their bickering.

~Current timeline ~

Alex sighed as her hand made its way to the bags she was supposed to 'take back'.

So bad Dazai had left the Port Mafia. She had no clue he would be leaving and it had been years since he did.

Chuuya had opened an old bottle of whine when he left and she... just sat there next to Chuuya while he

No emotion on her face whatsoever.

It was fun while it lasted.

Chuuya had noticed how Alex wasn't her usual self after that day.

Maybe a little more quiet than usual. Or a little less interested in new missions and everything that followed.

She took the drugs from the bags and made her way out of that rat hole as if she was going for a walk in the park. How? She just killed everyone in the warehouse with a simple removal of her glove.

Alex fixed her glove when she heard a whine from behind.

Turning only her head to see, her expression changed from an emotionless one to a psychopathic smirk.

"Why hello there! You are still alive? I see you're missing a hand there. What a shame.. but that also means that you must have figured it ou-"

"Shut up filthy bastard!" The girl spat in disgust which shocked Alex, no one had ever even tried escaping her little ability and yet there she was.

She had figured out a way to do just that.

"You are being kinda rude, ya know ?" The ginger frowned a bit, acting like she was the victim.

"Why should I be nice to you?? You killed everyone! You soulless bastard!" The woman spat on her face and with her hand she grabbed the gun near her, shooting at Alex.

Smirking, Alex put her hand out where the bullet was going to hit her, stopping it mid-air and turning it to dust.

"Why didn't you just pretend to be dead? That was a stupid move coming from someone whos that smart." Alexa said, looking at the girl's hand.

The girl flinched when the bullet turned to dust.


She did it again. She turned one more thing to dust.

Before she could say or do anything else Alex put her hand in front of her mouth quickly and coughed out blood harshly. That was one of the disadvantages that came with her ability.

While Alex was busy coughing her lungs out like a chain smoker, the woman on the floor took the chance to shoot at her again.

Girl's POV:

Her body wasn't made to hold this ability and yet she was standing there fighting carelessly.

I found my chance and fired my gun at her. I caught her off guard, and I could see the shock in her eyes when I fired my gun, but all she did was move to the side so instead of her chest the bullet hit her shoulder.

She looked like she didn't even care that she was hit.

Instead, the port mafia member just smirked and ran at me, knocking me down on the ground and making sure that my gun was as far away from where I was as possible.

Alex's POV:

It hurt for sure. My shoulder hurt like hell, but I tried to ignore the pain of the wound. For now, getting rid of the filthy rat in front of me was my top priority.

"This time I'll go for the head, so you won't be able to make it out again."

I laughed hysterically and as I was about to
put my ungloved hand on her, someone hit me on the back of my head and my body went numb.

I fell on the ground, head first, which made it hard for me to look up and see who it was but then a hand grabbed me by the back of my neck and slammed me down. (Shit that's kinda kinky-)

"Now now. Who could have done such thing? Such a heartless monster for such a good-looking lady like you~" That voice... so familiar.

I struggled to move my head and look up but it was near impossible with the strong grip the man had on my neck.

"Let's see who did such thing." He spoke again as he let me go to see who I was.

As quickly as I could, I stood up on my feet. My fave met with someone very familiar.

Dazai... it was him. The man himself. Dazai Osamu. The demon prodigy.

His face contained pure shock when he saw who I was.

I could only smirk.

"How could you do this?? Are you crazy?" He asked.

"l am a part of the port mafia," I said fixing my glove while stepping on the girl's neck, breaking it and ending her life in an instant.

Dazai said nothing, instead, he looked at the girl who had just died and then back at me.

"You are a monster."

"And you're one to talk."

That sentence caught him a bit off guard.

"I need to go now," I said bumping my bloody shoulder onto his leaving a blood mark on his ugly ass coat.

"But I won't let you leave."

"You will," I said looking back with a smile and continued walking out of the building making it back to the Port mafia.

The entire thing left a bitter taste in my mouth. I felt awful for some reason. It had been 4 years. I should be over that man by now.

Foolish (Dazai x OC )Where stories live. Discover now