Just a bit of cuddling ~ Ferris Bueller x Reader

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,,Come on, baby, twist and shout!''

I was quietly singing ,,Twist and Shout'' by The Beatles, as I made my way over to Ferris' house. We were going to hang out with Cameron and Sloan later, but I wanted to spend some time with him alone.

-Time skip to ringing the door bell-

,,Hey Y/N, how are you? Ferris is upstairs in his room, probably asleep or something.''
,,Alright, thanks, Jeanie!''

Giving Jeanie a hug and taking my shoes off, I made my way upstairs and into Ferris' room, seeing him laying on his bed, facing away from me.

,,Hey Ferris, it's me, Y/N. Are you awake?''

I knew he was fake sleeping, but it's a fun game to play along with. I sat down next to him, pushing a strand of hair behind his ear, caressing his cheek. He looked so dreamy in his sleep, even if it was fake. I moved my hand down his side and under his shirt, stroking with my thumb over his skin.

,,Come on Ferris, I know you're awake...''

He didn't budge a bit, but if I was not mistaken, a smile formed on his, with a sigh of relief.

,,I love you, Y/N, mhm, yes I do!''

Suddenly Ferris grabbed me and pulled me onto him, so that I was sitting on his lap, straddling him. I laughed out loud, Ferris chimed in.

,,Was that so good?''
,,Yes it was!''
,,You're being enthusiastic!''

It caught me off-guard seeing Ferris so enthusiastic. I mean, he always was, but this time, it was more than usual.

,,Of course I am! I get to spend time with my girlfriend, what do you want more!?''
,,You're not wrong, but...''

I bit on my lower lip, thinking. There was something Ferris was hiding from me, or was I just overthinking? How he talked really wasn't his usual self, but he did that sometimes, just to mess with me.

,,Y/N? Sweetheart, are you alright? What are you thinking about?''

Looking into Ferris' soft brown eyes, I stopped biting my lip, intertwining my fingers with his.

,,Are you hiding something from me?''
,,Hid- Where did you get that idea from?''

So he was hiding something from me. But what?

,,You never talk such weird with me or anybody, unless you wanna mess with someone. And you're not messing with me right now. So, uhm...What's going on?''
,,Give me a second...''

Ferris gently pushed me off of him, and I laid on my side, watching, as he scurried around his room, searching for something.

,,Ah, there they are! Y/N, I wanna give you something. A present, to be exact.''
,,What is it?''

I sat on the edge of the bed now, gripping the blanket. Ferris kneeled down in front of me, and handed me a ticket. It was a ticket to a nearby amusement part, which I always wanted to visit, but never got to.

,,I actually wanted to give these to you on your birthday, but now is a good time, too. Happy birthday, Y/N!''

I was shocked, but after looking at the tickets for a second, I basically attacked Ferris with a hug, which made us fall onto the floor, laughing.

,,Thank you, thank you, thank you! But...How did you afford these? 'Cause they're certainly not cheap!''
,,Well, my parents chimed in, but, you know...''
,,I love you, Ferris Bueller!''
,,I love you, too, Y/N Y/L/N!'' :)


We stan Ferris' wink xD

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