Parents day

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Today at ever after high was parents day, all the students would talk to their parents, some students would video chat their parents if they couldn't made it. This was the one day where Raven could connect with her mother via the mirror network and despite being evil, she still cared for her daughter. Snow White wasn't able to come and see apple and ever after high which didn't surprise Apple, her mum never shown up anyway. "hey mum" she pulled a fake smile, she did not want to be talking to her mum not now. "hello apple" her mum said to her, not really with any emotion "so how is school going" she asked "pretty good" said apple. "how's my future son in law, daring" her mum asked, apple took a gulp "actually mum, i won't be marrying daring" her mothers emotionless pale face turned into a panicked look "what?! explain this instant!" she demanded "well err, darings kiss didn't wake me up when i was poisoned, also he found out that he's Rosabellas true love, he became a beast and yanno daughter of the beauty of the beast" she nervously giggled "i always hated that Belle Beauty" Snow growled to herself "if Daring didn't wake you up then who did apple, was it Dexter?" she raised an eyebrow "what no, it doesn't matter" she said "Apple i am your mother and i demand to know this instant!" she yelled "okay okay" Apple hung her head "it was Darling Charming" Snow White looked confused "is that another Charming brother? i can't remember half their names" She asked "no no no!" apple sighed "Darling is Daring and Dexters younger sister" there was a silence between the mother and the daughter "a girl put her lips onto your lips apple?" snow white said, in a quiet but angry voice "yes mother" apple said "then it was most likely CPR" snow white said "but mother, my deep sleep can only been broken by true loves kiss" apple said "but you're not attracted to women, i told you apple women who are attracted to other women are bad people" her mum said, sternly "mum i think i am attracted to women, in fact i don't think i was ever attracted to men, i only was kind to daring because he was going to save my life one day and i was totally fine with him flirting with other girls, plus i always somehow find myself flirting with girls but try to deny it but i'm done with trying to deny it" she told her mother "apple listen to me your too young!" her mother yelled "no mum i'm done with you trying to control me! i'm following my destiny like you want me too and darling is my true love whether YOU like it or not!" she yelled then ended the call before her mother could say another word. tears fell from apples eyes but unlike yesterday these were happy tears.

Later on Raven returned from talking to her mum "hey how was chatting with your mum?" Raven asked "bad but i don't care, she was basically really rude about darling and about me liking girls so i silenced her" apple said proudly "wow, good for you" she smiled then patted her shoulder "anyways i'm having lunch with Rosabella and cerise and Darlings going to be there" she smirked, Apple went red "i can't speak to her i'll be too nervous!" she groaned "look apple i'll be there and so will Rosabella and Cerise you will be fine" she smiled at her. The two girls went to the cafeteria and seen Cerise Hood, Rosabella Beauty and Darling Charming all sitting together, apple got nervous when she seen darling but gosh apple didn't realise how beautiful the girl was until now, her light blonde hair and her muscles "snap out of it apple" she thought to herself. They sat on the table with the three girls "hey guys" said raven "hey" all three girls said. For a little bit apple sat in silence as the 4 girls chatted to each other "how was parents day for you apple?" asked darling, apple looked up "oh it was fine" she said "are you okay apple?" asked Rosabella "YEAH what make you think i'm not fine" she giggled nervously "apple" darling said and apple instantly locked eyes with her and tried to speak but then ended up fainting. 

Apple found herself awoken in her bed with Darling asleep next to her bed with her head on her lap, she blushed at the sight of the taller girl sleeping. Darling began to wake up "your awake!" darling exclaimed "what happened?" Apple asked "i'm not exactly sure why you fainted, sudden anxiety or something, at first i thought you had eaten another poison apple" she nervously giggled "did she kiss me to try and wake me up" apple thought to herself "well i better leave i'm sure raven will look after you" she got up to leave but apple grabbed her hand "no stay with me please" she asked, Darling blushed and smiled "sure apple" she sat next to the bed.

A few hours had passed "you feeling any better?" Darling asked "i'm feeling a lot better" she smiled "but i need one thing" apple said "what's that?" smiled Darling "a kiss" she smirked, Darling blushed deep red, she's kissed apple before and she enjoyed it i mean she's had a crush on apple as long she could remember, apple always came round the charming castle to visit her "true love" well according to her mum and she was obsessed with the girl, her beautiful blonde hair, her porcelain skin, her curvy body, she was perfect and she loved her. "a kiss from who?" asked darling "from you of course" she smiled. Darling lent in and kissed her "wow, that was my first proper kiss" said apple "wait really?" Darling imagined she'd kissed her brother before "yeah, i never wanted to kiss men, now i know why" she blushed. it was getting late "hey Darling want to sleep over since yanno it's getting late, you can sleep next to me" she asked "if that's okay with you" she asked her "ofc it is, i think raven is sleeping round her boyfriend Dexters today so we get the whole dorm" she smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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