Legend of the Wolf Kingdom

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Many secrets have happened on this planet that has existed for billions of years. As early as 1.5 billion years ago, today's earth has evolved an intelligent civilization, and three species have evolved into intelligent creatures, namely wolves, apes and orangutans. They thrived under the sky of one star and three moons, fought and killed, and were suddenly destroyed one day. Three moons deviated from their orbits, and two of them hit the earth, causing volcanoes, tsunamis, and landslides. When the sun, the earth, and the remaining moon resumed their balanced operation again, the deepest trench on the earth has been raised into a plateau, and the cities and homes of orangutans are covered with mud or buried under the sea, and the next few million years will be darkness With ice and snow, the earth was barren of grass and turned into a crystal ice ball in the vast universe, and almost all living things disappeared.

Chapter One

One, siege

Every year during the wheat harvest season, the dragon cavalry from the wolf kingdom roared down the Ali Mountains to invade the border of the ape country. At this moment, the three moons are still hanging on the western skyline, exuding gray and soft light, and a faint purple golden edge on the eastern horizon heralds the coming of dawn. The one-eyed general Lang Ya , the commander of the western frontier region of the wolf kingdom , with a black mask over his left eye, gently pushed the vulture in his hand into the air, and the vulture flapped its wings and flew into the sky like sharp arrows. Thousands of dragoons rushed from the ambush woods and rushed down the open hillside, towards the border fortress of the Ape Kingdom, Pika Castle, which was only a few kilometers away. The captain of the striker, Shi Gen, is about twenty-six or seven years old, with a strong body like an iron tower, sitting firmly on the back of a three-meter-long unicorn. He has shoulder-length hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a messy beard. This man's thick black hair naturally has a long streak of charcoal-like red hair growing on the right side. At this moment, he is staring at the castle wall vigilantly, with a slightly curved tiger waist, holding the rein in his left hand, and a snake-shaped pair of hands in his right hand . With the blade, the legs are exerted, and the unicorn speeds forward under the crotch. Suddenly, a piercing horn sounded in the sky, and the sentinels on the city wall of Pickup issued an alarm. The frontier guards of the ape country ran up the tower and took their positions, and quickly pushed the giant bow and arrow on the ground at the gap in the front row of the city wall. This kind of bow and arrow is amazingly powerful, and the black iron arrowheads fired can shoot through the body of a unicorn dragon with thick skin and rough flesh.

Saitama, the general of the border defense of the Monkey Kingdom, is over fifty years old, with a dark complexion, a face as steep and tough as a Gobi, and several deep grooves on his forehead. I saw him make a thumbs down gesture, and in an instant, the messenger's horn shook the sky, the giant bows were fired, and the one-horned dragon in the wolf kingdom wailed and neighed, and flesh and blood flew everywhere. Although the dragon cavalry of the wolf kingdom had been fighting for a long time, they also fell into chaos under the powerful arrow rain of the ape country. Among the chaotic army, only one rider remained calm in the face of danger, dodging and maneuvering, and came out more and more. It was the forward captain Shi Gen, followed by two unmanned unicorn dragons. Between the lightning and flint, the three dragons Has arrived under the city wall. General Saitama stood on the top of the wall, staring at Shi Gen, and called on the giant archers to aim and shoot, but the distance was too close to use the giant bow , so the defenders had to shoot with bows and arrows. The stone root jumped up in mid-air, like a bird, drawing an arc, and the snake-shaped double-edged knife in his hand cut off the incoming arrow. The two one-horned dragons following Shi Gen had their arrows splashed with blood, but they still rushed forward. After a while, one jumped up, stepped on the back of the other, and leaped several feet high. The one-horned dragon jumps one after another when there is no time to go, stepping on the backs of these two one-horned dragons one after another. The tacit cooperation of these three dragons can be described as wonderful, forming a ladder to heaven. Before Qiyu could recover, a ghostly shadow descended from the sky, and a snake-shaped double-edged knife swept past his neck. Saitama's head flew into the air, and his body stood upright, with blood spurting from his neck cavity as high as ten feet. At the moment when the unicorn dragon that Shi Gen was riding jumped up to the top of the city, the unicorn dragon that was used as a ladder under its feet hit the city wall, like a meat bomb exploded, blood and flesh filled the sky. Surprise and fear made the entire battlefield suddenly quiet, and all eyes were fixed on Shi Gen. He rides on the back of a tall unicorn like a god, holding Saitama's head in one hand and a serpentine knife in the other. The dawn sun shone on his broad face covered with sweat and plasma, and a mysterious halo enveloped his whole body. He raised his neck and let out a long howl. The sound was not like a human voice, but the instinctive sound of ancient wild wolves before evolution. The solidified air was suddenly broken by thunderous applause, and the soldiers of the Wolf Kingdom roared "Stone Root—Stone Root", and then there was a loud noise, the city gate of Kachu was blasted open by black powder, and the dragoons of the Wolf Kingdom filed in.

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