Chapter 1

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Edward Teach leaned against the window as the Nevada desert hurtled into view. The vast expanse of desert flanked by jagged peaks gave way to the eccentric and impressive assortment of buildings that made up the Las Vegas strip. Even in the daytime, it was a sight to see.

Next to him, Stede Bonnet slept like a sugar-crashed toddler. His head was propped up against the adjustable headrest of their business-class seats. Even with plenty of legroom, Stede was invading Ed's space with his arm and the unconscious spread of his legs.

Ed didn't mind the feel of Stede's thigh and arm pressed against him one bit. Stede was his best friend, but he'd come to realize over the past few months that he was more than a little attracted to him.

There were various reasons why he hadn't tried to act on those feelings, including the fact that they were also coworkers. That, and Stede was sort of married. About a week prior, Stede confided to Ed that he had moved out of the house. The trip was clearly a welcome distraction from his imploding personal life. And a brand new temptation for Ed.

"Stede, hey, Stede..." Ed nudged his sleeping companion.

Stede's head rolled to the side. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Food time again?"

"We're here," said Ed as he nodded out the window.

"Whoah...will you look at that..." Stede leaned over Ed to peer out the window. "Fantastic. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. It just rises out of the desert like a horny oasis."

Ed chuckled and shifted back in his seat so he wasn't too much within his friend's bubble. He stared at the impressive volume of his hair and caught hints of sandalwood from his shampoo or aftershave. "Too bad we won't have much time to enjoy it."

"We're here a whole week. Surely there will be an opportunity to at least explore a little." Stede settled back into his seat and adjusted his seatbelt.

Ed snorted and kicked his carry-on further under the seat in front of him. "Have you looked at the itinerary? It's bloody loaded. And you and I both know, any downtime and we'll be on a fucking Zoom call with the office to put out some fire or another. Nah, this conference could be happening anywhere for all we'll get to see the outside of the hotel."

"You're probably right," Stede conceded with a sigh so resolved that Ed felt a pang of guilt for popping his bubble.

About an hour later, after collecting their bags, Ed ad Stede grabbed a cab and were whisked down the strip to their destination. The Mandalay Bay casino loomed ahead of them, a massive complex of golden windows flanked by palm trees.

Stede spent the whole ride with his face pressed up against the window like an eager puppy. Every time they passed a famous hotel, he would point and name it, and sometimes giggle like a delighted child.

Ed caught the cab driver rolling his eyes, but he thought the man should really be used to that by now - given that the vast majority of his clients had to be tourists.

Ed was charmed, as usual, by Stede's enthusiasm. He wished he shared it. It was hard enough to work alongside a very taken Stede and tell himself the friendship was enough. But to be in Vegas? Sharing a room for a week? With Stede newly separated? If there had been a way to switch room partners with someone else from their team without hurting his feelings, Ed would have taken it.

And then, there was the room.

"Are you kidding me?" Ed groused as he kicked his rolling suitcase ahead of him. "They got the fucking room wrong?" He hadn't thought to change his clothes from the plane, and was overdressed for even a few minutes in the desert heat. Unlike Stede, he hadn't slept on the plane, and his bad knee ached from the long flight.

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