CHAPTER ONE - Aren't we all Freaks?

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The wind kissed my skin as I jogged through the thick forest, trying to catch up with my brother, Asher.

“Even in human form, you can't beat me.” He muttered, seating on a tree trunk while ruffling his dusty brown hair.

I furrowed my brows in annoyance, sometimes I felt like the foster kid. My siblings are brunettes while I am the freak with platinum blonde hair, I could swear that my hair color was getting lighter every day.

My Father, the beta of our tribe, the Night wing tribe is a brunette while my mom, the female beta has jet black hair so where did I get my hair color from?

Every so often, I'm tempted to ask my mother who she had an affair with that resulted in me coming into this world.

I always knew that I was different growing up. My siblings and I are hybrids; half werewolf and ha-, well, whatever my mother is, she never liked talking about what creature she was.


I turned to Asher who stared at me in annoyance, “I've been calling you for a while now,”

“Sorry, I was lost in thought.” I apologized.

“You're always lost in thought. What's a little girl like you thinking about?” 

How I don't belong.


“It seems you're not hungry, but I am.” He says, cutting me off. 

With that, he runs off into town, leaving me behind, again.


I walk into the house with the wonderful aroma of freshly made pancakes hitting my nose.

Only one person makes such mouth-watering pancakes.

“And the freak is back!” Someone yells from the kitchen, making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

Loraine, My elder sister.

“Where's mom and Dad?” I ask. Laurel, Loraine's twin, walks into the kitchen, settling into a bar stool, munching on the toast in front of her.

“Unlike you, some people have responsibilities and are out doing important stuff,” Laurel mutters, earning a snicker from Loraine.

I had three siblings; Aster was the first, Loraine was the second, Laurel was the third, and I, Aret, am the last. 

My sisters are the worst people on earth, sometimes they make me question my existence as if I was made to be their little toy that they could mock. Aster was my savior, but when he wasn't around, I was dead meat.

I climbed the stairs towards my room, leaving the twins downstairs to their useless chattering.

My room was a light shade of blue, everything in my room was colored blue. My room was my haven where I could stay and shut out my annoying sisters.

I stand in front of the full-length mirror, staring at my reflection.

I am a blue-eyed, six feet, platinum blonde-haired, .nineteen-year-old girl.

My sisters always told me that the Moon Goddess made a mistake in my creation, why they said it was because I had the perfect body; curves in the right places, full breasts, and a perky butt that I hid in my horrible clothing.

I bring my face to my armpits only to be hit with a foul stench, a disadvantage of an early morning workout.

I need a shower.

Likewise, I take off my clothes, wrapping myself in my blue towel as my door slammed open with Laurel standing in the doorway, her eyes staring at a box she was holding.

“Hey, Aret, Mom said you-” she raises her head as her eyes meet my naked body wrapped in a towel. “Ew! Learn to lock your door! No one wants to see you like this! Are you trying to lure me into your lesbian ways?” She rants, placing the box on my bedside table.

“Mom wants you to bring this to the pack house,” She says, giving me a stink eye as she slams the door shut.

I quickly take a shower and put on my bra and panties. I walk towards my bed with three outfits sprawled on it, wearing a black tank top coupled with ripped navy-blue jeans and a pair of white converses. Not only that, but I let my hair loose, checking myself in the mirror once again before picking up the package and setting out for the pack house.

“Hey, freak!”

I turned to see Laurel standing on our front porch, her arms folded as she shifted her weight to her left foot.

“Here, at least you'd be looking less of a freak and more of a werewolf,” she mutters, gathering some of my hair using a hair clip to push it to the side.

Aren't we all freaks? I wanted to say but refrained myself.


“Mom's waiting, you know.” She snaps, walking back into the house.

A small smile crept onto my face, Sometimes I wonder if my sisters really hate me, or they love me, or maybe they are just bipolar.

I touched the fading scar on my head remembering when Loraine threw a glass plate at me, my werewolf senses didn't kick in quickly so I couldn dodge fast.

She expected me to dodge, but instead, it slammed into my head, giving me a mild concussion.

“Aret! You're finally here!” My mother, Khione, yells, taking the package from me and heading into the Tribe kitchen.

The Tribe House was bustling, omegas were up and about preparing for one of our annual events; the pack fire dance.

We would seat around the fire, tell stories make jokes until midnight then we would dance around the fire and eat to our fill. It was always fun.

“Hi, Mom.” I greet her as she kisses me on the forehead, hurrying back to the package that I found out was filled with disposable plates.

“Help me with this?” She asks pointing to the disposable cups placed on the highest cupboard.

I sigh, bringing them out and handing them to her, “Thanks A.”

I was a few inches taller than my mom, so I could reach countless high places.


“I think we need more cups.”



“Mom!” I yell, gaining my mom's attention and maybe a few omegas which made me blush furiously embarrassed by my actions.

“Am I a freak?” I lower my voice as she walks toward me.

“Do the twins have any hand in this?” Mom questioned, narrowing her gaze towards me.

I sigh, hanging my head low, “Loraine and Laurel are only saying the truth, and the truth is bitter.”

“No, you are my daughter, my favorite child.” She says gleaming.

I frown,,” I thought parents weren't supposed to have favorites?”

“Well I do and I don't want your siblings hearing this.” A small smile crept onto my face.

She pulls my face closer, kissing me on my forehead.

“And besides, aren't we all freaks?” She asks me.

“That's what I thought.”






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