Chapter 13 - The three girls are have a date with the same boy and the same day

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3rd POV

Today was the day of love and one boy who has to carry of alot of bags and three ladies are using the card of the same boy who is carry and some men who look at the young lad with pity on their eyes

????:I can't believe that you two did fall in love with my fiancé   

????:Well can't be help since me and her did request him on the same day and at the sametime

????:Jude-san is really kind since he doesn't want to see a girl sad

Now the boy named 'Jude' was thinking about this day and how did this happen but before we go a few hours later the three girl that this boy is dating, its our protagonist, this is Eduardo Jude Teves Pilot of the three Gundams, RX-78-2, GN-001 Exia and GN-X20A Strike Exia as well a mercenary of Celestial Stars and the three girls are Miorine Rembran, Suletta Mercury, Chuatury Panlunch

Jude:How did this happen..... oh yes they did confess their feelings for me on the same time and same place but hey I didn't know that pinky have a crush on me 

But he was looking wait this mofo of a motherfucker can break the 4th wall

Jude:'If you are wondering how did this really happen well let me well lets go back a few hours ago since on that time Reborns visit me for his bullshit and questions that I have to deal with'

Earlier Around FIve or Six hours ago

Jude just woke up on his bed and looking at his surroundings this is was medical room of his ship and he was thinking back about the duel and how did Reborns got into this world along with the Reborns Cannon since that thing is almost pair with the 00 RIser 

Jude:Shit that was a hardest battle I ever fight since Almark is a Master of Gundams and I am just close of this level 

As he was thinking about what he was doing next since there are some event will be the same and different since Almark is here plus he can't see the future since he is just one man with three Gundams but moments late Jude got a call as he get his phone and he saw the name of the caller and it was Izu 


Izu:Sir a Reborns Almark is calling you

Jude:"Ahhh fuck me why does he need Escort him at my office 

With that Jude just got up and wears a suit with black coat and pants with a red polo and black necktie. As he was done dressing up he goes to out of the medical room as he was going to his office and some minutes later he was there as he saw Reborns Almark with his innovator  

 As he was done dressing up he goes to out of the medical room as he was going to his office and some minutes later he was there as he saw Reborns Almark with his innovator  

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As Jude was going to his chair and sited down since he looks at Reborn and his dress I mean look at him he is almost mistaken as a girl 

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