Chapter 36

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Ivette's POV-

I go into the airplane as it a boards. I can feel tears coming down my eyes already. Don't cry. I say to myself. The airplane starts to drive off as it slowly goes up into the air. I see London get smaller and smaller as I wave good-bye to London. I won't be with Avery anymore, my long-last brother never found out who a really was instead of "Ivette the normal vampire girl". I slowly begin to close my eyes.


"Ma'am are you awake."

I look up and see its a lady.


"Your the last on here, you need to go." she says giving me a warm smile.

I smile back as I get all my stuff and call my cousin Natalie.

"Hey, I'm at the airport , pick me up?"

"Sure, I'll be there as fast as I can."

I hang up as I sit.

"Lets go." Natalie says.

How the- wait, she's a jumper I forgot.

She grabs my hand as we "jump" to her house.

"We're here."

"Haven't cleaned up lately, eh?" I say to her.

She laughs as she answers, "I've been busy..."


"Y'know the usual."

"What, sleeping, eating, then sleeping more?"

"What, no!"

I chuckle as I settle my bags in her guest room. I turn on my phone and see many messages and phone calls from Harry and Liam. I ignore them and settle down a bit more.

"Thank for letting me stay here.."

"Anytime, family come first, y'know."

I chuckle as I agree. But then the thought came to my mind, "why did I leave the boys if they're family as well..." I feel a tear fall as I wipe it away quickly before Natalie sees.

"Your in a funk aren't ya?"

"Ya, a little."

"Then lets go to the club to get you out of this "funk", eh?"

"Not in the mood Nat, maybe some other time."

She smiles as I go to the bed and think about Avery in the boys...

Harry's POV-

"Where's mommy?!"Avery cries.

"I-I don't know." I cry.

She's been crying since the morning. Hearing her cry makes me cry even more and think that Ivette isn't here is bloody wreck.

"Please Ivette come back." I send her a mind message.

She still doesn't answer. Why is she thinking she is causing problems with Avery and the boys? She's not.

"Please don't cry, babe." Louis says to Avery.

"But mommy is gone!" She sobs onto Louis shoulder.

I can't take it anymore! I'm going to L.A to find Ivette.


---Should I put up "When I was adopted by 1D"? Please tell me! :D ---

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