Pollinating Rumors (i couldnt think of anything else 😢)

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When Hot Date got home, he decided to briefly check social media. To his surprise, however, just a few minutes after he opened an app and started scrolling, he saw a post from Puff-shroom's gossip account: "Just heard Hot Date was out with some durian guy?? I think they're together."

For a second, Hot Date was a little panicked. How did people already find out? It didn't help his panic that the post had already garnered some attention. He wasn't worried much about his reputation, persay, but he was more worried about what would happen if or when Endurian found out it was going around that they were together. Sure, Hot Date liked him a little, but he still just wasn't sure if Endurian felt the same.

A few days later, the word had spread, and people were talking about it face-to-face with each other. It went around, and around, and finally to Rotobaga. She was minding her own business taking a stroll through the town, when two plants near her were conversing, and one of them said "Oh, I also heard Hot Date and Endurian are dating. Can you believe that?"

Rotobaga was used to it at this point. She was never really a social butterfly, and she never replied to or engaged in gossip, so people talked about whatever around her. Sometimes she found it amusing how much gossip about so many plants she'd heard just because she happened to be near someone who liked gossiping. As she always did, she just paid no mind to the rumor and kept doing her thing.

However, later, when she was alone texting the group chat for Power Lily's book club, she heard the inevitable: "Rotobagaaaaaaaa!"

Goddamnit, Witch Hazel.

As reluctantly as she could, she turned to face the voice. She sighed and mustered a "...Yes?"

"I know you know somethiiiing..." Witch Hazel nagged.

Rotobaga paused, and then bluntly said "I don't."



After Rotobaga's refusal to spill, Witch Hazel extended a part of her hair and started repeatedly poking her. "I won't stop until you tell me."

Rotobaga tried to turn around and ignore it, but Witch Hazel started poking her quicker and more aggressively. "Please? Pretty please?"

Having had enough of the constant poking, Rotobaga gave in and said "Fine. If you want to know so much, I heard Hot Date and Endurian are in a relationship. Now may you please stop poking me?

"OOOO, this is gonna be GOOD." Witch Hazel remarked. "Thanks!" and with that, Witch Hazel left to go see her friends.

Endurian was in for a ride and a half once Witch Hazel met up with him and the others.

(OUTDATED) Sweet Spikes (hot date x endurian)Where stories live. Discover now