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Hazel did indeed have a small crush on Dýo, as did the theater man himself. However both didn't want to say anything and possibly ruin a good friendship.

Dýo opened his eyes after about an hour to find Hazel was only slightly awake. He chuckled and got up, having Hazel near was nice. But he had to get up and make sure nothing was at the door. A barely awake Hazel closed his hand on Dýo's sleeve like a child would.

Dýo needed to check outside.

"I'll be right back okay?"

Hazel nodded sleepily and let go.

Dýo got up and put his jacket back on, stepping back outside Hazel's room and through the theater. Eventually reached the door he found something that slipped under the door. 

It was an invite to a party in the Manor close to the theater. Dýo smiled and walked back to the house part of the theater placing it on the kitchen table. 

Walking back to Hazel's room, he felt something kind of excitement, once at the door he hesitated. If he told Hazel would he assume he was asking him out?

A tired Hazel opened the door and ran straight into Dýo nearly falling back. Dýo reacted quickly and grabbed his waist, pulling him up. Thankfully, since there was only a dim light, Hazel dark blush wasn't really visable. 

"Are you okay?" 

Hazel only squeaked. But quickly nodded. Dýo cocked his head and hugged Hazel, still having his arms around his waist. The beak of Hazel's mask was over Dýo's shoulder. His face begun to turn even more red then it already was.

Dýo didn't want to pull out of the hug, but sadly had too. Dýo took his hand and pulled him towards his room. He sat as did Hazel and the two begun the chat. 

Hazel started to look quite tired. Dýo laid him down and Hazel tugged on his sleeve. Dýo took off his jacket, then lay down beside him. Hazel snuggled up to him, this caused Dýo's face to flush but wrapped his arm around him. 


"So what you saying is that everyone in town is invited to this party." 

Dýo nodded at Namasri's question, who looked nervous and leaned to whisper in his ear.

"You do realize your ex could be there right?" 

Dýo's face fell.

"I....didn't think he'd be there is just thought you guys would want to go."

Dýo sounded upset. Namasri knew full well not to speak of Dýo's ex when Solaris was around. Afterall he hated him. The other three didn't argue about this.

Namasri sighed.

"We can go but stay close to your friend. I'll speak with him about the situation."

Dýo nodded and Namasri walked over to Hazel taking him aside.

"Look everyone in town was invited to the Manor close to the theater, and I have a gut feeling Dýo's ex is going to be there. I need you to say close to him, if he looks afraid or nervous around a specific person, come to myself, Learchos or Solaris. Okay?"

Hazel nodded.

Namasri explained a little further on Dýo's situation. His ex still wanted him too brag and was practically obsessed about him.

'Oh God this is worse then I originally thought.'

Hazel thought after stepping back into the kitchen.

'I have to make sure that if he does feel uncomfortable to tell his siblings then get him out as fast as I can.'


Dýo felt extremely nervous. He hadn't been to a town party in a few years, it made it worse with the chance his ex could be there. Hazel squeezed his shoulder.

"You'll be okay. I won't leave your side."

Dýo took a deep breath, his siblings opened the doors  and they all walked in. The townsfolk where greeting them, even Hazel although he was still a little skittish. 

Dýo stared in wonder at the house. He'd never been in it since parties where usually at his theater. Hazel noticed the shock and awe on Dýo's face and couldn't help but laugh a little. That was until Hazel noticed someone staring at Dýo in an obsessed way. 

Hazel turned to Namasri.

"That man over their brown hair, green eyes, that him?"

Namasri nodded and narrowed her eyes. 


Soon enough Dýo had finally gotten used to the people and the party when someone grabbed his wrist and dragged him away. He was quite sure it was just another fan until he saw the eyes and hair.

Panic ripped through his body as he tried to free himself. His ex held on tighter before slamming him against a wall.

All Dýo felt in his side was pain. He wanted to go home and cuddle Hazel. He didn't want this at all. Dýo felt tears burn his eyes as his ex moved closer to his face. Dýo started to whimper fearful for what might happen next.

"Why did you leave me?"

His ex asked through gritted teeth. Dýo had begun to sob a little bit. He couldn't answer. The ex moved closer to Dýo's face, almost kissing him. Dýo whimpered. 

"Answer my question." 

The ex begun to push Dýo further up the wall, causing him to squeak a little. His ex let him go causing him to fall to the floor.

Dýo begun to sob uncontrollably. He heard his ex call out saying he loves him before a pair of arms wrapped around his body. Dýo looked up a little seeing the familiar shape of his friend. Dýo hugged back tightly sobbing into his shoulder.

"How long has this been going on?" 

Dýo couldn't answer. His sobbing begun to lessen as he slowly begun to fall asleep. Hazel noticed and picked up the tall skinny male bridal style holding him close. 

Hazel felt himself blush as he looked down at the sleeping Dýo in his arms. As he walked over to Dýo's siblings holding the sleeping Dýo all knew it was time to leave.

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