Guys I might quit

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No one pov:
As Kokushibu/Akaza's mom looked at Douma, she was Stunde at her beautiful hair, and eyes. She asks Douma about her eyes."Ne Douma, right?" Douma nod as a yes."Your eyes are lovely, were you born with it?" douma stood there, not knowing if she should lie or not."ye-e..s I was born with it" Kokushibu/akaza's mom just smile, and told her she would get  "tea'.

"So Douma..." Kokushibu said."yes koku-dono" kokushibu was thinking if he should say this."why did you came here in the first place, and why did you follow me when you saw me?" Douma was is Shock, she can't say, she came here for the money, So she made a lié. " well you see, I always felt single, and People say I was ugly, cus of my eyes, and I Just wanted to try, and I follow you because I..." Douma Just stared at him. "Because I- what?" Akaza said angrily (oh no he jelly) "BECAUSE, I FELT IN LOVE WITH, YOU AT FIRST SIGHT!" The room was silent, and Kokushibu was Just there Red as a tomato. While akaza was there be mad and jelly at the same time.

"So, Douma who would you like to marry?"Akaza/Kokushibu mom said. Douma was blushing a lot, and so come Kokushibu. But Akaza Just stood there kinda being happy.

Akaza pov:
As my mom said, she can marry one of us, So that means I still have a chance to be with her. I smirk at Douma so that I can see her facial expression. She gave me a look, but not a Disnusing face, more like a blushing face, and for my lovely brother, he looks angry at me. But I didn't care, I will get Douma, and kill every man if they touch her.

Kokushibu pov;

As I saw my lovely(annoying) brother smirking at my future Gf/wife, I felt my blood boil, but then an idea hit me. What if I and akaza shared Douma? Yes I know that he doesn't like to share, but it is Douma, and I am stronger than him, so he has to share.

Time skip

still koku pov:

As I finish my food I turn around that everyone is finished eating. I also saw my mom telling Douma to go to a guest room, so she can stay there for the night, and she agree. 

I was walking toward my brother Akaza, and touched him on his shoulder"What the hell do you want?!" he said. I just told him to follow me into my room.

           Give me ideas

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