The Beginning of Hell

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The first few days on the ship were a blur of orientation, introductions, and getting used to the daily routine. As the days went by, I started to become more familiar with the ship and my responsibilities as a cadet. However, it quickly became clear that the chief officer was a bully who took pleasure in making our lives miserable.

Every day, he would find something to criticize and belittle us for, no matter how minor it was. He would yell and scream, making us feel small and helpless. It was not just the cadets that he targeted, but also the officers and ratings.

Initially, I thought it was just me who was having a hard time adjusting, but soon I realized that everyone on board was struggling with the chief officer's behavior. The atmosphere on the ship was toxic, and it felt like we were constantly walking on eggshells, afraid of setting off his temper.

Day by day, I found myself getting more and more frustrated with the tasks that were assigned to me. It seemed like the chief officer was purposefully giving me menial and pointless tasks just to see me suffer. 

At first, I tried to keep my head down and get on with the work, but it was getting harder every day. It was like the chief officer was actively trying to make my life miserable.

One day, I was scrubbing the deck when the chief officer walked by. He stopped and looked at me with a sneer. "What are you doing, cadet?" he asked.

"I'm cleaning the deck, Chief," I replied.

"Well, you're not doing a very good job, are you?" he said, before walking away.

I felt my face flush with embarrassment and anger. It was like nothing I did was ever good enough for him.

As the weeks went by, the chief officer's behavior only seemed to get worse. He would shout and belittle the crew for the smallest mistakes, and it was clear that he had no respect for anyone on board.

It wasn't just the cadets that he targeted, either. The officers and ratings were also subjected to his bullying and abuse. It was like we were all just pawns in his twisted game.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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