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Dear , Theodore Nott

It's been one year since the last time I've written to you, well me and Draco have a beautiful baby boy Scorpius Apollo Malfoy and he is now one. than we have our ray of sunshine, our two month year old daughter Clementina Lyra Malfoy

Apollo the god of Light music and Poetry, Scorpius the constellation Scorpion.

he truly lights up our life, and lives up to his middle name.

Clementina the goddess of Forgiveness and mercy, Lyra a constellation Draco is fond of.

I love Draco with the whole of me, and will continue to love him, I love everything about him, i love the thought of him , I love his beautiful silver eyes , i love his smirk , i love the wrinkles that appear on his forehead when he squints his eyes , I am completely and utterly in in love with Draco.

I've moved on and I am happy with my new life , two amazing children, and a amazing husband. 

I wish you nothing but happiness Theodore Nott.

- Inanna Malfoy

Dear, Theodore | Theo NottWhere stories live. Discover now