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Dear , Inanna Malfoy

I've just received all your letters , and I've read them all in the past 30 minutes.

While I read them , I could see when you were slowly falling out of love with me , and into love with the male I could trust the most my best friend , your husband Draco Malfoy.

I was heartbroken when I attended yours and his wedding. you looked so beautiful in your cream dress , I could see the way Draco looked at you, like you were the only person that mattered to him.

A part of me wanted to get up and take you away from him and the whole wedding. When I let you go in 7th year it broke me. I hated myself for what i did to you.

And yes, I am married to Pansy, but I will never ever love her as much as I love you Ianna.

but when I broke things off with you , I did it to protect you , I will always protect you Anna. but it seems like you do not need me to protect you anymore.

Because you have Draco to protect you, and if he protects you than I'm happy.

And I know in your letters when it said that you 'love me forever' well I promise that I will love you forever and ever.

maybe in another lifetime we were meant to be, but in this one? Its you and Draco and I'm okay with it.

Goodbye Inanna.

- infinity yours , Theo.

Dear, Theodore | Theo NottWhere stories live. Discover now