157 9 34

written by milliondreams2k

"Momma, I'm going to school. First day shit. New School Shit." Romeo said sarcastically as he opened the door too the fridge and saw barley anything to eat.

"Momma, you heard?" Romeo said as he closed the fridge. He could hear his moms loud moans coming from her bedroom.

"Yes nigga she hears you." Said the man that been taking up space in they cramped ass apartment.

Romeo's mom been dating this nigga called "Giovani" and he really been getting on his nerves.

Romeo's mom only keep him around to pay the bills and to fuck. Apparently also to feel 'loved' something she hadn't felt in a minute.

He sighed bothering not to ask, he barely gets fed and when he ask for money she says she don't got any, she asked Giovani once and he laughed in his face and said 'Get a job faggot ass' so he won't bother.

"Bitch ass nigga. Fuckin' bird." Whispered Romeo as he closed the door. He walked down the sidewalk of his hood. He lived in the ghetto of Brooklyn, New York. Where he grew up, but he transferred from school to school for fighting.

He knew he needed a job quick, he needed to get out of that apartment. He really don't want to go back to the way he was bagging the bread he was making when he was 14 but he really was considering making that call.

He put on his busted ass earphones and started to listen to R&B a genre that brought him comfort.

In The Night by The Weeknd blasted through his ears as he made his way to school, dreading being a teenager.

He knew people would look at him funny given the fact that he's a young nigga with face tattoos but he ain't really paying to much mind to that, he knows how to fight anyways.

He got to school and assumed he got there a little earlier then needed, he kept his earphones in and just stared around. He could feel his stomach growling from the hunger, he tried not to think about food because it would give him a headache.

He was really trying hard to ignore the stares that people were giving him as well, like needles up and down.

At this point he didn't care he just wanted this day to be over.

Some we're laughing, some we're confused.


Maziah stared at the random tatted nigga across the way. He was so intrigued by him, wondering what his story was for him to be tatted like that, shaved head, baggy jeans, baggy shirt, dirty converse and the tattoos.

The thought slipped too of him being a secret school shooter.

Maziah was waiting for his best friend Jayce knowing that nigga always late to school.

"Hey, Maziah!" Autumn, a cheerleader at his school walked up to her. "Wassup, baby."

"You tryna go down again one of these days?" She said with a smirk on her face. "I mean shit I'm down." Maziah said knowing he was gonna go crazy in her shit.

The school was mostly of black and latino kids not a really diverse setting. There were a couple of white folks, Autumn included.

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