Chapter 15: Changes

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Mikey's POV

"It's been 2 weeks since our fight with Leo, which we all regret, we search day and night for him, wanting him to come back to us, so are the police and pros, except they wanna arrest him for being a vigilante. Midoriya and the others have asked us if anything was new each day I came back, there's nothing, nothing at all.....I miss Leo.....and his stupid self with his dumb words......but there is one thing I'm concerned with, of Leo had the ability to unlock this "curse".....does it mean.....we can to?"
Eventually, the brothers were also waiting on the supposedly wareent on the Shie Hassaikai headquarters, but then, Sir Nighteye calls a meeting....and announces, they gathered enough evidence to print a warrent, Operation: Save Da Child, was a go! But little did they know, a vigilante was spying on them.....but the meeting wasn't over yet.....

Sir N: "Settle down! Listen, I know most of you are excited that we now have a warrent for the arrest for Kai Chisaki, but.....there is another matter we must discuss...." looks at Mikey

Aizawa: "Listen, as all of you are aware of, one of the students, Leonardo, has become a vigilante due to, personal things, which being said, if any of you, and I mean ANY of you see him, do not engage until after we apprehend Chisaki, he may be a vigilante but he is an ally worth having, do not apprehend him until my command, understood?"

Sir N: "Wait....what? That wasn't the agreement, we agreed that we would bring his brothers into this if they wanted to and that if he shows up, we bring him in, no exception."

Mikey: "Wait.....what?"

Aizawa: sighs "I told you not tell him that...."

Raph: "You gotta be kidding me!"

Donnie: "Listen, what he did was wrong, but it wasn't his fault, you have to believe us!"

Sir N: "Oh really? Then please so tell me, what's wrong with him."

The brothers stood silent not willing to speak.

Mikey: "We can't, it's personal...."

Deku: "I'm sure there's a reason for why he's like this, they're right, we have to give Leo a 2nd chance."

Sir N: "No, if you even see him, on the streets, apprehend him.....understood"

Everyone nodded, except for the brothers, Deku, Mirio, Uraraka, Tsu, Nejire, Tamaki and Kirishima

Sir N: "Understood.....?"

Mikey: "I'm outta here....." gets up and leaves

Raph: "Same here....." follows Mikey

Donnie: "We'll never bring harm to own brother, even if he wanted to kill us...." he gets up and follows the 2 of them.

Sir sighs in aggravation

Aizawa: "What do you expect? He's their brother, they're nog gonna wanna lay a hand on him....."

Sir sighs but agrees with him as they both walk away. Little did they know though, Leo was watching and listening.....he was thinking about what his brothers said, and he couldn't love them more enough........
Leo was jumping through rooftops checking on civilians, he stopped a purse snatcher, then some robbers and so and so.....then, he saw a pro hero, being a jerk.....

Kid: "Um....excuse me, I lost my mom, can you help me find her?"

Pro: "Beat it kid! You're taking too much space" he pushes him

Leo jumps down and checks on him

Leo: "Hey, picking on small ones ain't right man, apologize"

Pro: "And if I say no?"

Leo: "Ok....ok....." he then sucker punches the Pro as he falls face flat on the floor "That's for picking on the kid"

He kneels on his knees to check the kid for injuries

Leo: "Hey there, I know I may loom scary but I'm not gonna hurt you" he outstretches his arm and offers it to the kid "I'm Leo"

Kid: takes his hand slowly "I'm Toby"

Leo: "Hi there Toby, you said you lost your mom? Where was the last place you saw her?"

Toby pointed to an apartment complex, Leo picks him up and walks him over there, when he enters he asks the receptionist if there was a lady who have a kid named Toby, he then walks up to a door and knocks.

Leo: knocks

The door opens and a lady cries in happiness as she grabs her son and hugs her with all of her might

Mom: "My lord....thank you so much.....this means so much to me...."

Leo: "Any time mam"

Mom: "Please, is there anything I can do for you?"

Leo: sighs in disappointment and aggravation "I hate to ask but.....any chance you got food I could take? I'm kinda broke so.....if it's too much to ask i totally understand"

Mom: "No not at all! I have some sushi if interested? If not I got some other foods."

Leo: "No, sushi is just perfect and thanks/sorry. I just....feel like a theif."

Mom: "Are you a theif?"

Leo: "No"

Mom: "Then here you go" gives him a bag full of food (mostly sushi)

Leo: "Thanks mam....that means a lot" bows in respect and leaves
The brothers were walking back to their dorms and were upset

Donnie: "Who does that punk think he is? Just expects us to fight our own family!?!? In his dreams!"

Raph: "For real, I swear if I....."

Mikey: "But.....not saying I don't agree with you guys but, he's a pro hero, he's obviously gonna wanna catch and stop vigilantes, which in this case.....Leo is one of them...." sits and sighs "And we have to worry about this kid all of a sudden? I just.....I don't know....."

Raph and Donnie look at each and then they sit next to their brother to comfort him.

Donnie: "Hey, it's gonna be fine, we got your back no matter what and we are gonna rescue that girl and bring our brother home"

Raph: "Yeah! I mean, if we can defeat ghost, demons and people like the Shredder? Then we got this, no matter what."

Mikey: "Yeah.....I guess...."

Raph: "Now come, I'm starving and in the mood for pizza!"

Donnie: "Dito on that to"

Mikey: "Yeah, le-"

A kunai appears in front of the brothers and they got jumpscared, they looks a distance from them saw a woman.....a deadly woman.....

Leo saw this from a distance and rushed after his brothers not stopping for anything......

Mikey: "What the....? Who are you!?!?"

She takes off her hoodie

???: "My Karai...."

To be continued.....

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