The Houses

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(Note- this will be a total Granger story so, forget about the original;) thanks)

As we reach the entrance, an elderly witch wearing dark green emerald robes appears. She says in a confident voice,"Children please form lines please," We quickly form them, I stand next to a boy who has his light blonde hair gelled nicely . The witch continues,"Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I am Professor McGonagall and I'll tell you about the houses,there are four houses in this school - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. The house you are sorted to is like your family in Hogwarts. Now I will lead you all to the Great hall we you will be sorted, follow me."
"I now I'll be in Slytherin, my entire family was, it's the best of all the houses." The blonde boy smirked at his friends.
We all followed Professor McGonagall to the hall, it was huge with flying candles, it was filled with students and teachers and oh! Ghosts too.
When we reached the center of the hall where the Headmaster was sitting grinning at us Professor McGonagall said,"As I will call out your names , you will come and put on this hat which is the Sorting hat and will sit on the stool the hat will tell us your house and then you will join your house table, thank you."
The blonde boy's name was Draco Malfoy.
He was sure enough sent to Slytherin along with his friends Crabbe and Goyle.
Then Professor said," Granger,Hermione!"
' Stay calm! Be strong Hermione You can do it!' I said to myself.
When I put on the Hat a small voice said" Ah, a muggle born, very sharp, bright! Shall it be Ravenclaw ? No, strong, confident and brave also so be it ,GRYFFINDOR!!" It yelled, a huge round of applause came from the Gryffindor table, I joined them to find, Ron Weasley and soon Harry Potter too.
" Hello! I'm Fred Weasley and this is my twin George Weasley, we are in the second year." Said a boy who had red hair like Ron's, who I assumed was their younger brother.
" Oh, hello! My name is Hermione Granger." I said . " You seem to be a muggle born , are you?" Asked the twin of Fred , George. " Yes, I am a muggle born." I replied. " We are pure blood...." They said in a sarcastic way which made us all laugh.
I was sitting next to Fred and Harry. In front of me Ron and George were sitting.
After the Headmaster, Dumbledore gave the warm welcome speech to us , our golden plates filled with food and our goblets with juice. After the amazing food, a boy again a Weasley yelled," All the first years follow me! I am the prefect, Percy! I will lead you all to the common room of the house." With Harry and Ron I followed him and the others out of the great hall. When we reached out there the girls and boys were separated and sent to the dormitories. This was all so great.

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