The Letter...

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"Stop.., " he said I froze. "I don't want you to be my partner for the entire year, so just get lost ok?" he snickered. "Look at your face Granger haha... Crabbe , Goyle come. See you later Missy !"

I stood there just recalling what just happened. Then Harry came,"Come on Hermione, let's go, do you know what lesson do we have next? " he asked . "Well we have History of Magic now...." "What's wrong ?" Ron asked suddenly. "I hate that Malfoy, he has a lot of attitude !" I said ,pissed because of Malfoy.

"Ah.. Let's just get going ok?" Harry said.

We nodded our heads and followed our fellow Gryffindors to the class.

"Ok, who will tell me about Madeira the Great ?,"Professor Binns asked. I raised my hand immediately because I had read almost all the books before coming to school. "Yes Miss Granger,"" Madeira the Great also known as Sappy, was a witch who mastered in potions and herbs . She was murdered by her own sister. She invented the Love potion and also defeated wizards in dueling with her famous Laughing potion. " I finished. "Excellent! Ten points to Gryffindor ! I want all of you to to write a two parchment essay on her. Thank you!" Saying this his Ghost went through the wall.

The rest of the week was exciting and nothing went wrong .

Today is Saturday and we have nothing to do at least I don't ,Harry and Ron have to complete the assignments and have borrowed mine to copy. How will they learn?

Anyways I decided to have a quite peaceful time on my own and go to the cliff meat the lake and have some fun.

I took some toast from the Great hall during breakfast and headed towards the cliff.

I sat down under the big oak tree which was huge enough to hide me . 'Good,'I thought,' at least I'll have some privacy.' I had took along with me some muggle books like - The Mortal Instruments and some Archie comics, I sighed and leaned back on the tree a and started reading . I was really waiting for Christmas as I'll go home.

I read on for about ten minutes, but I was then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I looked up to see someone unexpected .

Draco Malfoy.

"What are you doing here ,Granger or shall I call you Mudblood?" he sneered.

I was shocked, calling a muggle born Mudblood was very offensive. I glared at him and stood up ,"How dare you call me a Mudblood, Malfoy!"I yelled.

"Cause you are one! And you still haven't answered my question, what are you doing here?" He asked .

"It's none of your business Malfoy ! Now leave me alone!"

"Oh... No Granger the cliff is not your property I shall stay here as long as I want ! "

"Fine! But don't you dare speak to me!"

"As if I want to...Granger, wouldn't even think about it!" he spat.

I frowned and sat down and started reading the book again, trying my best not to look at Malfoy who was trying hard not to laugh.

"What's so funny may I know?" I said glaring at him.

"Your face Granger just look at it ! The way it keeps changing while you try your best not to notice me!"he laughed . Then realized that blushing so hard that my cheeks had stared to heat up and I obviously didn't want Malfoy to realize it , so I quickly got up and walked or practically ran to the common room.

Harry and Ron were the only people there as many were sitting on the lawn outside or were in their dorms.

"What happened Hermione it looks like you've been running a marathon!" Harry said. Whereas Ron seemed to be confused," Marathon? Is that a game?"

I ignored him and said,"Oh, I was running for fun you know, like after I read my book I decided to come back.So are you guys done with work? " I finished.

"Oh! Mm... Ron is has just finished the first parchment I'm just about to get over." Harry answered.

"Ok good, I'll be in the dorm ok?" They nodded their heads and I went up.

"Hey, Hermione , I think you've got a letter." Lavender Brown my dorm mate said as I entered.

I saw a baby blue envelope on my four- poster bed .

I lay down and slowly opened the letter my eyes widened as I saw what was written in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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