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[A/N]: This part connects this book to my other story, Three, even if the chapter is about Rain too. The two are independent, but Halfblood was written after I started liking King for his role in Three

You can skip this chapter if you wish to. I enjoy this connection, but Halfblood must stay a whole story on its own


King sits in his room at a fortress in Wano, where Kaido sent him a few weeks ago.

He stays in complete silence with his mask off, his fingertip traveling through the dark tattoo on his face.

He lights up two little flames and watches them dance over his scarred skin. The orange one shines brightly and beautifully, but the other barely glimmers.

So the day has come.

He gave his blue fire to save her and it connected to her heart which it was born for.

And now, after long years since the Halfblood left, his little memento has almost faded away.

The Lunarian almost left Wano when he first saw it weakening, but then he convinced himself that she is still alive.

It's just this little piece of flame that he kept, which will go out soon. Rain is gone, and he has to face it.

This fire doesn't belong to him anymore.

He wants to go after her once the Great War starts, but his loyalty links him to Kaido.

He admired strength his whole life, it was the base of the Lunarian hierarchy.

But this bond with her is all he has left, and he slowly starts to forget what care feels like, how his real name sounds.

After Lumen died, part of him died with her. He became emptier, and his thoughts darkened by a shadow. And when Rain left, she took a piece of him too.

Deep inside, King only hopes that he will be whole again one day.




Yamato changed after Oden's death. Kaido's rage was terrifying, and King keeps his distance from the child ever since. He knows he can't convince him.

And the Lunarian chose the man to who he owes his life.

Now, there is nobody left to care about.

His hatred against humans grew worse in the past years.

He finds joy in others' pain more than ever before, and Wano always has rebels left. The country is drowning and suffering, but some still try to fight.

King knows that they will fall back soon, and retreat into silence and endurance, waiting for the war that Oden's wife promised them.

Humanity's hope never failed to amaze him. It's endless and unbreakable, no matter how much it takes.

And for Rain, the Lunarian starts to understand why.

King makes the orange flame disappear as the blue shivers, dancing like a candle's light in strong wind.

King leans forward, and his hand starts shaking as he tries to hide it from the world, the last piece she has from her.

The flame reaches for his face as it senses his closeness, and he sees her face in it for a second, smiling.

It reflects in the crimson eyes, and his full lips open as he whispers to it desperately, begging for more time.

But the fire dies out after touching his face one last time.

Halfblood [King|Alber × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now