Chapter 8: Tahiti

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The first place that Kol and Lucy go to together is Tahiti. Lucy us so excited for this. The first thing they do is the Dream Tour.

"What would you like to do next?" Kol asks.

"I want to top dive," Lucille replies. She did research on the plane about Tahiti when Kol finally told her where they were going,

Rebekah helps her brother plan this whole travel itinerary by telling Kol about the places and such. Rebekah is stuck at seventeen but Kol at eighteen.

"Sounds like fun, Darling," Kol replies. "And then we ca romance it up, do what normal couples do."

"Okay!" Lucy cheers and they go to where they need to.

They went to a couple's spa after that and now it's nighttime and they're having dinner (food) under the stars. Kol compelled the waiter to put some of his blood into a glass and compelled him that he was a cutter but is stopping for the sake of his loved ones (per Lucy's demand).

They had their dinner set on a beach and Lucy is so happy.

"I'm in love with Tahiti," Lucy gushes.

"Don't get overly excited yet, Darling," Kol muses. "I have more planned for us."

"You know, I could be helping Klaus with the unlinking spell for you guys," Lucy says.

"I know," Kol replies. "But you're here with me. We're soulmates, Lucille. We have to get to know each other, spend time together... be away from my siblings, away from the drama of my mother, of Mystic Falls, to figure us out."

Lucy smiles softly. "Are you going to teach me languages, too?"

"Yes, I am," Kol replies.

The two stare at each other as they drink their cups of human blood and eat the food.

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