Chapter 13 Hidden Weapons

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I was in a small dark room. My mothers voice echoing of of the walls. "Just listen to me and do what I say!" She say obvious anger in her voice.

"Please,just leave me alone!" I was in the corner of the room crying with my arms protectively around my legs.

"Why can't you let me mourn? Let me rest,please." I begged through my strangled sobs.

Then the door shot open and my mothers face appeared. "You will get what you deserve!" She said darkly.

Then it went black as I screamed for mercy.

I shot up from my bed breathing heavily. I looked around and my breathing gradually slowed as I realised I was in my hut on neverland.

I let out a broken chuckle not only at my foolishness but to make myself believe that it was a nightmare not a memory. Believing the lies can be so much easier than accepting the truth.

I knew it was early and everyone was asleep seeing as I couldn't hear any movement outside. I also knew that I wouldn't be able to go to sleep again.

After (quickly) weighing out my options I decided to get ready for the day and take my time in doing so.

I did my normal routine and wore the same clothes as the previous day. However this time I added a chain to my skirt and hoop earing while my hair was put in a high ponytail. I kept my two small curls at the front identical.

The entire time I had been doing this I had thought of what Pan-no Peter had said yesterday. He said he would control where I would go and when. He didn't however mention how I was to dress and act towards this.

This meant I could be as annoying as I wanted to be while completing the given task. To add to this I would be constantly calling him Peter not Pan because he would get easily annoyed at this and it was effortless on my side.

Honestly,Peter really needed to be more specific. I mean if he had added to his list of things I was to do like I was to be happy with what he was to say that would be pure torture.

Then just as I had reaches for my a black choker from my box of necklaces and such the door swung open.

I already knew it was Peter and so didn't move and simply put my choker on.

"Morning." I called out to him.

"What are you wearing?" He exclaimed.

"There called clothes Peter I thought you would know that much. Obviously I had put too much faith in you." I say mockingly while grabbing some rings from my ever growing ring collection.

"Don't play with my Lily you know what I m talking about. I dint think you knew any type of clothes out of your formal attire." His tone had turned dark now something which was a warning to not test my boundaries to far.

I began to slip the rings on different fingers on different hands. Seeing which ones would look better in different places.

"I'm full of suprises I mean take yesterday as an example." I say raising my hand to see if it looked perfect (which it did) before looking over at Peter who was walking around the room occasionally picking up an item to look at before putting it down

"Mmhmm" he hummed.

He then picked up something which looked like a lipstick organiser.

"I would be careful with that." I called out in a sing-song voice.

"Why was it expensive or are they your prized possessions?" He mocked at me.

I got up and went in front of him putting the organiser back down. "No,because it's my favourite hidden weapon." I say holding eyecontact with him.

""What are you going to do? Smear lipstick on your enemy's face till they beg for mercy?" He carried on.

I hit a side button on the organiser then pulled out a lipstick. On is end was a blades harp enough to cut skin in one quick slash.

I pulled out the lipstick from the other end. "Something like that." I say back to him.

Peter looked shocked to say the least but still tried to hide his emotions.

"The lipsticks are different poisons you can smear on the blade. The darker the shade the worse the poison." I say to him my eyes focused on the crimson lipstick.

I recaps it and put it back. "Right so you can hide weapons well then." He stated.

"You haven't seen anything yet." I took if one of my rings one I always worn. I threw it in the air and when it came back in my hand it was my sword.

"Neat trick. Am I right?" I say as he nodded repeatedly.

"On top of that " I say as I grab one of my golden necklaces. I chucked it in the air then I had a bow and arrow.

"I can do that aswell. So to say the least I can hid eweapons in plain sight.

I chuckled at his shock as I made the necklace and ring reappear and put the necklace back.

"Impressive I won't lie." He says curiosity all over his face.

I walked out of the door with Peter following behind me.

I went to the kitchen area making my self some toast. I took a bite out of one before putting the other in front of Peter.

He took it nodding his head in appreciation at me.

"There's something I don't understand and I dearly want the answer to. Your parents didn't approve of you so there's no doubt they hated your powers." He said as he took a bite out of his toast.

"That's a statement not a question Peter." I say avoiding what he was going to ask.

"Let me finish Lily." He scowled "Explain to me how you learned how to do do magic to such an extent?"

I gulped not answering.

"Unless....Unless you didn't learn magic and you simply just said you did." He was piecing it together.

"That's it isn't it? You only know what you've taught yourself. If we were to duel I would win. Isn't that right Lily."

Authors Note

Okay this was just a filler because I didn't really know what to right in this part.

(: :)

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