Chapter 8 Test Training

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"Start!" Peter yelled.

Me and Devin circled each other a sly grin on his face as he saw my scared one. We held eye contact both not wanting to seem weak in front of the other.

I wasn't going to make the first move. It was all in my plan. A very short term one though. Then in the most obvious manner possible he made the first move.

He jumped forward and clashed his sword against mine. He grinned widely as it fell in the ground. He then scratched my neck deeply making it bleed but I gave it no notice. Then he whispered just so I could hear him. "I knew you were just a dumb girl." He then pulled away from me cheering loudly for himself.

The lost boys cheered with him and I just about held back a smirk at his fake victory. I looked over at Pan surprised to see a grin on his face but it was masking another emotion. Confusion. He knew I was better than this.

"I told you girls don't belong. They are just weak and emotional. They are a waste of space here in neverland." Devin space in my face then turned to his friends who proceeded to laugh.

I reached for my sword picking it up from the ground. I flashed Pan a smirk the spoke to Devin "play me round two." I raised my eyebrow as I spoke.

He gave me a confused look. "I'm weak right so you won't mind a round two." I spoke loud and confident.

He nodded looking at me as if I was crazy. I nodded at Pan who I knew was watching the whole time.

"Round two of Devin against Lily! Loser has to do the others job as well as their own!" Everyone went quiet at Pans words. I however didn't loose my eye contact with Devin even as his grin grew.

We got back to our original places my face confident this time. I got in my wrong stance then watched Devin's facial expressions as I got into a much better stance. He grin dramatically dropped but he tried his best to hold it up.

"Start!" Came Pan's voice again. We circled each other a few times before I made the first move.

I smoothly went forward slashing my sword against Devin's. His sword flew through the air before its hilt (handle) landed on the tip of my sword. Shock was written on everyone's face.

"Take it." I said pushing my sword closer to Devin. "What?" He replied. "Take it the sword. I mean it's very easy to especially since I'm a girl." I mocked.

He reached for his sword but I let it fly again before I mover my sword away from his hand his sword on my sword tip moments later.

"Oh come on I'm just a weak girl remember. Or is the weak girl just too hard to beat for the tough guy?" I pulled a mocking voice.

No one messed with me and got away with it.

"Here let me make it easy for you." I threw the sword so it fell on the ground.  "Now take it."

He hesitantly took it. Then he attempted to attack me but I blocked him. I then hit his sword out if his hand so it dug into the ground behind me.

I scratched the top of my sword against his cheek so it bled. It would definitely scar.

"Finished!" Pan yelled.

No one cheered. They just stared mouths open. A few went over to Devin to assist him. One came and took his sword scared. The only one who looked reasonably normal was Pan he had a proud smirk on his face.

I gave a sickly sweet fake smile back. I looked over at Devin again and saw him about to take a bit out of a red apple.

The chance came and I was not going to pass it. I made my bow and arrows appear and shot an arrow through the apple making it pierced onto a tree. I then got another arrow and made it hit mid centre of the previous arrow.

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