Chapter 13

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Hermione's P.O.V.

I wake the next morning with the events of the previous day appearing in my mind. 'What an idiot Ron can be' ' I would say you are the bigger fool for falling for Ronald instead of the Raven Haired boy who truly wants your heart '  ' I don't feel that way about Harry though' I responded to my mind 'Sure you don't' My mind retorted. I let out an annoyed sigh it was way to early to be dealing with this. I slump out of bed still feeling the pain in my heart of yesterday evenings events and once again Harry's words come to the forefront of my mind 'I only ask that you be careful with Ronald, you and I both know that he can tend to flip flop about how he feels' I looked at my miserable face in the mirror nodding to myself "Oh he flip flopped alright" I tend to myself before heading down to the Common Room when I make my way down I am enveloped in a hug from Ginny she begins to cry "Gin what's going on why are you crying?" I ask her as I begin to rub her back in an attempt to soothe the girl. She is unable to answer so I look at Dean and he stands coming over to both of us. "It's Harry, Hermione it appears he has left to defeat Voldemort." He finished with a shutter. My hand shoots up to my mouth as my eyes become consumed in tears as well. "No it can't be he, only began his training yesterday how could he have possibly left to go defeat Voldemort." I begin to inwardly blame myself had I really caused him that much pain that he felt that he needed to leave and go on a suicide mission? Dean then wraps his arms around all of us trying to stay strong. After standing for a while in each others comfort we parted. Ginny and I hold on for a little longer squeezing each other as to reassure ourselves that we will see Harry again.

 We head down to the Great Hall to eat, to stop living now would be pointless we needed I needed to be strong for when Harry would return.  After breakfast I tend to my classes like any other day except it wasn't like any other Harry was out there saving the world and no one even had a clue that the battle for the Wizarding World could be going down at this very moment. Once the day is over I head back to the Common Room to wait. I wasn't really sure what I was waiting for I just needed to be there, this place reminded me about Harry all the time in this room alone there were so many memories intertwined between Harry, Ron, and I many restless nights of studying and getting homework assignments out of the way. We had shared so many laughs here, but this is also the room where Harry told me he needed to talk to me that led to the events that led to Harry leaving to fight a Dark Lord. Tears begin to fill my eyes as I continue to think about Harry and all of our memories these past 5 Years at Hogwarts it was difficult to believe that we were already in our 6th year one more to go and that's it. The memories of the past day come to me once again as I remember what Harry was telling me after he revealed that I had been slipped lust and hate potions. I still can't believe he knows me so well, I think I have only mentioned my wishes of saving myself for marriage maybe once or twice in the five years that we have known one another and yet he still took the time to remember it. I think back to all of our adventures and how some how in every single one Harry was there to save me. ' And you still thought that the red head who has taken every moment he can to make fun of you was the person that you should fall for' 'Quiet you' I retort to my mind, but I can't help and agree unfortunately I did fall for Ron and I had told Harry no. ' You could change that you know ' 'It isn't that simple I can't just fall in love with Harry.' 'Who says you haven't fallen in love with him already? Hermione, look at the signs Ronald was simply a crush but look deeper into the memories that you are looking back on now and tell me what you truly feel towards Harry '  I begin to think back year by year in our first year I had never finished my sentence

 "There are more important things  friendship and bravery and love" Is what I had meant to say. In our second year after the petrification was lifted I ran as fast I could to Harry and gave him a bone crushing hug I was so grateful that he had figured it out and saved me, his bravery was amazing. 'And in your third year?'  Thinking back to my third year we had literally gone back in time together, we both protected each other with everything we had, I held him so tight as we flew on Buckbeak I felt so safe wrapped around him. Our fourth year I knew from the moment Dumbledore had read his name that Harry hadn't put it into the goblet. Our Fifth year was difficult especially for Harry after watching Cedric die the year before to then have to watch Sirius pass through the veil destroyed him. I wanted nothing but to hold him and tell him that everything was going to be ok. ' You see, you and Harry care so much for one another, you are always looking out for one another and where do you see Ronald doing that? No where in any of those stories, instead he spent his time being jealous of Harry without reason and making fun of and arguing with you.'    Tears once again sprang to my eyes as I began to analyze these realizations. "How could I not see it before." 'Say it'  My mind tells me "I'm in Love With Harry Potter".          

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