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'I didn't see this coming.' He smiles, softly caressing my face

'Makes two of us.' I chuckle quietly, still holding onto him as well

'What do we do now?' He asks

'I believe there was a horror movie we were supposed to watch.' I whisper

'Completely slipped my mind.' He speaks quietly, running his thumb over my bottom lip, tugging on it gently. He's killing me here.

'I'm afraid I'll do a lot more if we don't leave this room, and I don't think I'm there just yet.' I tell him honestly. I don't wanna rush it and fuck it up

'I won't do anything to you. I promise.' He smiles, pulling himself away slowly

'I know you won't. I'm afraid I might.' I chuckle

'Then we better save me.' He teases, pulling me away from the wall as well
'Let's watch that movie.'

He let me lay on his leg again, stroking my hair. But this time, I was too awake to even think of sleeping. And my heart was too loud in my head for me to even try and focus on the movie.

We kissed. I kissed him. I don't think I've ever in my life been this excited about kissing someone. How the hell did it even get to here?
And does he even like me or did he just go with the flow?

Who am I kidding, I know he likes me. I'm not retarded.
Why else would he bother to make sure to give me a lolly every single day? And who would be okay with sharing the same candy if they didn't like the person? Why else would he just sit still and stroke my hair for God knows how long. And also the fact he told me everything he did before. He was honest even though he knew I might be angry and never want to speak to him again. And he even went on the stupid rides with me in the park, fully aware he hates them.

But I just need a bit more time to level myself before I do anything. I need to figure it out a bit better. And then, hopefully, he'll want the same as I do.

'Can I stay or do you want me to go?' He spoke, killing my train of thoughts

'It's too late to go.' I tell him, lightly hugging his thigh.
I heard him giggle softly, but he didn't say anything. I'll take that as a sign that he's staying.


I woke up to my doorbell going off. Who the hell is it on a damn Sunday morning?

I quickly ran to the front door to open, and saw all the guys there. Even fucking Minho. Well, my day had just gone downhill.

'Please tell us Jimin is here. He never came home.' Taehyung's panicking. The rest of them seemed pretty worried too.

Oh, right. He stayed over. I completely forgot for a moment there, which is ironic considering I couldn't sleep most of the night thinking about how he's in the room across the hall.

'Yeah, he's asleep still, though. Sorry. We ended up watching movies until almost 3 in the morning. It was a bit too late to go home at that time. He's in the spare room if you need him.' I tell them

'Oh, thank fuck. He didn't send anything so we thought something might have happened.' Jungkook puts his hand on his chest as if he's holding his heart

'Sorry guys. He did fall asleep on the couch so he probably forgot to send anything. Come on in.' I move aside, letting them in. Minho hesitated a bit at the door, looking at me.
'Yes, you can come in. I won't stab you.' I tell him and he chuckles

'Do you want me to wake him up?' I ask them as I'm closing the door

'Nah, it's fine. Let him sleep. We were just worried he got killed or something.' Hoseok jokes now a bit

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