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I've been hanging out with Rea a lot since I've come here. It's been a lot more than a week she gave me, but I just didn't know how to approach the subject without her throwing me off. I'm 19, and she makes me feel like im 13. I just get so lost and confused. 
She manages to confuse me every single time. But as weird, and sometimes scary as she is, she is also amazing. 

She is really funny and hella smart. She is hilarious to be around as well because she always does and says some completely unexpected things. I've seen NaRi do the same things, and they're definitely sisters. NaRi might actually be weirder, to be honest, but Jimin seems to find all of that extraordinary. He is crazy in love with her. I've never seen him like this before. I think they might be a perfect match. 

I just hope me and Rea are a good match, too. I want us to be. I'm not Jimin, so I'm not as smooth when it comes to flirting and all those things. But I do like her a lot. He and NaRi gave me some advice and pushed me forward a bit, so I'll give it a try. I have nothing to lose. And NaRi said Rea likes me, so I shouldn't be too worried. It's still nerve-racking, though.

We're hanging out tonight as well. She wanted to go to some kind of fair downtown. They hold these little fun fairs every spring. Mostly small games and ton of food. Kind of like what they do in Japan in the summer. Not that I care where we are. If she wants to go, then we're going.

I'm here. No rush.

I'm not going to go to her house to pick her up, so I'm waiting for her a bit down the street. I'm not looking to meet her family just yet. We're not even dating.

Be there in a sec

I can feel my heart beating faster just looking at her message. I'll see her in a moment and I'm turning into a sweating mess. 
Come one, Jeong. Calm your ass down. 

I took a few deep breaths before I saw her almost running down to meet me by the car. She is so weird. Why is she running? At least I'm not nervous anymore. I'm just laughing at her weird ass.

'Why are you running?' I ask her, laughing at her as she is getting into my car

'I don't know. You might drive off right in front of me or something.' She shrugs her shoulders, making me facepalm. As I said, she says some weird shit.

'I wouldn't drive all the way here if I was planning on leaving you behind, you weirdo.' I chuckle

'I know. I'm just trolling you a bit.' She smiles
How is it possible to be this pretty? She is truly gorgeous. Those big doe eyes framed by long lashes and her plump lips make her look like a living doll. And even more so her long caramel hair that's falling down her back. 

'Thank you.' She smiles

'Huh?' I didn't say a thing

'I think you look pretty handsome yourself.' She did it again.

'Stop reading my mind, you witch.' I laugh and she laughs along. No matter how many times she does this, I don't think I'll get used to it that easily.

It was almost 6 by the time we got to the fair. 
The days are getting longer so it's not dark yet, but it will be soon. All the lights are coming on on the little stalls as the sun is setting, so it looks really pretty. 

She is like a puppy. She is so interested in anything and everything, just looking around. And she definitely wants to eat every single thing that reaches her eyes. I don't get where all the food goes. She eats so much but she's so skinny. Just...how?

She also won't let me pay for a single thing, which is kind of frustrating. It's not that I'm trying to rub in her nose that I'm rich or anything, I know she knows, but I just want to treat her to something. Anything. 

'You need to try this.' She puts some random food in front of my face, almost hopping in her spot. She looks like a chimpmunk with her cheeks filled up. She is so cute it makes me smile just looking at her.

'Come on. One tiny bite. Pleeeease.' She never said please before. She usually just annoys me with waving the food in front of my face until I eat it.

'Fine, fine.' I chuckle, taking a bite. 'Oh, wow. This is actually nice.' It's some kind of sweet thing. Like a churo, but not quite. Smells nice, too.

'Do you want me to get you some?' She grins

'I should be asking you that, not the other way around.' I laugh

'So it's forbidden for me to buy things for you?' She argues

'No, but if you won't allow me to do the same, then why should I allow you?' I tease

'Okay. Point taken.' She chuckles
'Let's go this way.' She took my hand, pulling me along, squeezing through the crowd.

Her fingers intertwined with mine are making my heart race even more than it already was. But there's not a chance I'd let go of her no matter what. I tightened the hold on her hand as I followed her, trying to just pace her down so she wouldn't run.

'Rea, you're going to run someone over. Calm down.' I pull her hand a bit, laughing as I slow her down

She turned to look up at me with the most adorable look on her face.
'But there are a bunch of things there.' She says, pointing behind her

'And we will get there. There is no need to run.' I didn't even realize that I was caressing her face until she put her hand over mine and smiled

'Okay. I'll slow down.' She says

'Good. Now we can go.' I smile, letting go of her face and squeezing her hand a little

We went through the rest of the place and she got excited again. So energetic it's crazy.

'Ah, that was so much fun.' She was walking beside me, smiling brightly
'It was beautiful.'

'Yes, it really was.' I can't take my eyes off her. She noticed me looking at her, and turned her head to me.

'What is it?' She asks

Well, now or never.
'I have to ask you something, and-'

'Hold up. I know what-'

I'll take Jimin's advice and shut her up.

Before I knew it, I was holding her close to me, feeling her soft lips under mine. She didn't seem to resist. She was actually holding onto me, pulling me closer too as she kissed me back.

I pulled away to look at her, and she was definitely surprised.

'You need to learn to shut up sometimes, and let me talk.' I tell her, looking into her eyes, still not letting go of her. She just nodded lightly, not moving or speaking.

Fuck. I'm not asking. I'm not going to give her a chance to say no.

'From this day onwards, you're mine, and I'm yours. Got it?' Might sound a bit threatening, but you just can't deal with her stubbornness sometimes.

She smiled brightly at me, pulling herself closer again.
'Took you long enough.'

'You really didn't give me a choice to ask, so I won't give you any choice at all. Deal with it.'

'Yes, Sir.' She giggles, pressing her lips on mine. I felt her hand at the nape of my neck, gently going into my hair and pulling me closer. I want to hold her even closer but I'm afraid she might break in half if I do.

'Don't hold yourself back now.' She must have known. Of course she did. Why am I even surprised?

'I'm trying to be polite. We are outside.' I tease, tightening my grip around her waist

'We can always go home.' She smiles against my lips

'Are you sure you want to rush into it?' I ask, caressing her jaw, and looking at her lips

'It's far from rushing. I like you way more than you think.'

'Then you're gonna be okay being alone with me?' I tease, barely touching her lips with mine

'You're the one that's in trouble.' She giggles. 'Take me home. Please.'

Thank you, mom, dad and God that I'm lucky enough to have a place all on my own.

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