Chapter 2

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I studied Louis's every movement as he walked over to a young woman, she wasn't bad may I say, but I still didn't like it. They smiled and flirted for a few seconds and then walked over to the center of the floor. I felt tears spring into my eyes as they danced and grinded upon each other. He is supposed to be mine, Not some random girl at a club's. MINE. I quickly took one last shot of tequila, payed my bill, and fled.

I raced to the bathroom the second I got the key out of the flat door. I couldn't deal with the pain. I opened the cupboard to find a new pack of shaving razors sitting out in the open, practically screaming my name, perfect.

I took down the shower head and slammed it into the razor repeatedly until the blades finally became available. I picked up the first blade I laid eyes on with shaky hands. I had been craving crimson for days, but the thought of Lou finding out always stopped me. I quickly pushed out all thoughts of him and pushed up my multiple bracelets, my scars were now completely visible. I pressed the tip of the blade to my wrist slowly, savoring it's beauty. Then all self control was lost, I violently pressed and ripped the blade across my skin several times. I was about to take one last stroke, when I heard a familiar British accent call out my name, followed by the slamming of the front door. Fuck. I quickly jumped in the shower, and curled into a ball. What had I done. I had been clean. I was better. I was normal again. I began to uncontrollably shake with silent sobs. The water was cold as ice, soothing my burning arm. I watched in fascination as my blood pooled in with the water, creating a murky red mixture and then swirling down the drain. I began to feel dizzy, my arm still continuing to pump out blood. I then heard the bathroom door swivel open, I bit my lip hoping he wouldn't hear me. I heard Lou's feet patter against the cool tiles of our bathroom floor as he began to walk out. I let out a shaky sigh before hearing him again.

*Louis P.O.V*

Eleanor was nice, I had only met her tonight yet I could already tell her everything. We casually danced for a while, then sat at the table, had a few drinks, and talked about my feelings for my best friend. What was I doing telling her I was gay? I just met her! She was just so easy to talk to, I couldn't stop myself. About half an hour later I realized Harry was no where to be found. Quickly I asked for her number and headed to the flat.

The door was open, and that scared me. What if some freak broke in and hurt my hazza? I shouted Harry's name across the flat and slammed the door, no reply. "Haz come on! This isn't funny! Harry?! HAROLD EDWARD STYLES ANSWER ME THIS INSTANT!" I frantically screamed. Still no answer.

Just as I passed the bathroom the shower came on. Without knocking I walked in. Harry was in the shower, he must not of heard me. I turned around quickly before he saw me, I was about to leave when I saw blood on the floor.

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