Chapter 3

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*Louis's P.O.V*

I was about to exit the bathroom when I saw a trail of blood going to the shower. Panic took over, I ran over to the shower and ripped the curtain down in an instant, there Harry sat curled up in a ball sobbing, his blood washing down the drain. I cut off the shower, noticing the water was ice cold. Why was he showering in such cold water, why was he bleeding?

I wrapped a towel around him, then proceeded to pick him up bridal style. He nuzzled into my neck, and began to mumble something. I ignored his babble and laid him out on the couch. His wrist finally stopped bleeding 15 minutes later, I decided not to ask him why he did it. Not til morning at least.

I awoke later to Harry in my arms, I loved when he slept in my room. I gently played with his curls for about half an hour before he finally woke up. "Like my hair do you, boo?" he cooed, the husky sound of sleep still in his voice. "I will admit- your hair is quite lovely." I stated. Then we just stayed like that all morning, him in my arms keeping me warm. If only he knew how much I loved this.

He grasped my hand with his, entwined our fingers, and ran his thumb across my hand in a loving way. Wait, was it loving? Maybe he just thought my hand was cold? Or thanked me for saving him? So many questions..

*Harry' P.O.V*

I woke up about two in the morning on the couch. How did I get here? Is Louis home ye- Louis. He found me. This is not good. Not at all. What if he thinks I'm some emo freak? What if he tells the guys? What if he tells management? I'm screwed. What if he asks why I did it?! I can't lie anymore! Fuck my life.

I tiptoed into Lou's room, careful not to awake him. I then stripped down to my boxers, and slid into his bed. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

When I woke up later that morning I was still in Lou's arms, he was playing with my curly locks, I loved when he did this. I lay like this for a while, pretending I was a sleep so he wouldn't stop. The way our bodies molded together, the way we fit, it felt so right. I felt like it was just us in the world, like nothing mattered. It was perfect.

We just lay in bed for hours talking, cuddling, him playing with my hair, it was perfect. I hoped this would never end, but of course it did.

Louis' phone began to ring. "I'll be right back!" He quickly assured me before scurrying out of the room to take his call.

*Louis P.O.V*

Eleanor was calling my phone, I quickly answered. I needed time to think, someone to talk to. We decided to meet up for coffee in about an hour.

I went to shower, oddly there were pieces of razor all over the tub, why would there be a broken raz- no. He couldn't have. Why would he? Harry wouldn't cut himself...would he? We are having a long talk about this when I'm home. Unless that would set him off... We're going to have a long talk about this when he's better. A loooong talk.

I slipped on a pair of sweats, Harry's purple Jack Willis hoodie, and a beanie, then headed out the door.


I walked into the shop to see eleanor sitting in the back corner, smart move, maybe then no one will see me. She had on a pair of black converse, skinny jeans, and a white sweater. She looked absolutely gorgeous, if I swung that way. I ordered my coffee and sat down across the small table from El.

I told her everything, the razor, the blood, the crying, the cuddling, everything. Half way through our conversation I broke down into tears, she came across the table and gave me a long hug, "just tell him Lou, tell him you care. Tell him you love him. The worst that can happen is he doesn't feel the same. From the way you talk about Harry, and the way he was looking at you last night I would say he feels the same." she cooed, rubbing circles on my back.

"B-bu-but w-what if he d-doesn't?" I choked out through sobs

"Then it's not meant to be." she said gently, but her words felt so harsh.

"Tell him Lou. Tell him."

*Harry's P.O.V*

As soon as Louis shut the door I headed to the bathroom. He was leaving me again. I wanted to cut so bad. So bad. I had been clean for 6 months before last night, now my addiction is back and even stronger. I found the razors in the empty bathroom trashcan, I cleaned one quickly and rid of my bandage.

I then saw last nights cut. It was bad, really bad, stitches bad. I disposed of the razor in my hand, then grabbed a needle and medical stitching. I'm going to have to fix this myself. I've stitched before, but not for such a long one. I wanted so bad to wuss out, but if I did it would get infected. Then I would need a doctor, doctors ask questions. I can't handle questions.

I cleaned my wound then put ice on my arm to numb it as much as possible, this was going to hurt bad. I stuck a washcloth in my mouth to muffle my screams. I began to thread my cut, it hurt like hell.

Finally I finished, after stitching my cut i cleaned, and then bandaged it. Maybe Louis will forget it ever happened.



The pain still lingered. The need to slice my skin. I can't. I won't. What would Louis say if he saw? This could crush him. He could ask questions, and that would make it even worse. I can't cut again.

Lou's solo in live while we're young began to screech from my phone in the other room, signaling that he was calling. I sprinted to my room, hoping to make it in time- which I did.

"Hey haz, umm.. We uhh.. Need to talk..." His voice made butterflies stir in my stomach "so I was wondering if you wanted to meet up with me and Eleanor for dinner?" Eleanor. I don't like her. "Oh.. Well I uhm I'm kind of busy.." I replied awkwardly

"Hazza, it's important. Can't you skip ordering pizza tonight and meet us for some nandos?"

"Fine. 7 ok?"


"See you then Harry, love you"


All the wind was knocked out of me. Usually when he says he loves me it's in a playful way. Yet we weren't joking. I'm freaking out. I'm getting my hopes up. I'm setting myself up for failure again.

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