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Sort of a shorter chapter because I'm just trying to patch up this "festival arc" so we can go ahead and continue.



Will the final totals hurry up?!

Okay, it's loading...

A... and S!

And that's a new personal record!

"Good game, Y/N. You've sure got me beat in athleticicsm..." Taku replies with a hand outstretched. I shake her hand happily.

"Good game to you too, Taku!" I say as the bracket is updated once again.

I was supposed to be emceeing the gaming club's DDR tournament, but I don't think anyone ever expected me to be so good as a competitor.

I step off the machine as the next pair steps on and the song randomizer starts. Something cold touches my shoulder as I immediately turn around, met with Osano holding a water bottle for me.

"When did you get here?" I take the water bottle from him and take a sip.

"A few seconds ago once Raibaro decided he wanted to participate too..." Osano motions to the male who is currently getting his name added to the bracket as we speak.

The next pair finish up with two B ranks, the score difference only being about 30 points.

Jeez, what a tough match...

Fumetsu waves to Osano and me as he steps up onto the gamepad and greets his opponent happily.

And by the end, his greeting earlier seemed more like an apology in advance as he beat the guy A rank to C without breaking a sweat


"And in our grand finale, we have our unexpected newcomer student council guest, Y/N L/N!" Taku announces as the large crowd gathered in the clubroom cheers.

"Versus, Akademi High's former martial arts master, Raibaro Fumetsu!" She exclaims. Fumetsu holds out a hand to me and I shake his hand firmly.

"Pleasure to go up against you." I declare as he nods.

"Same to you, and good luck. I don't think you'll need it though..." Fumetsu rubs the naps of his neck as the song randomized finally lands.

Luck is on my side today. Not my favorite, but it'd at least fit into my top 5...

The song starts and I find myself quickly getting into the rhythm and pattern of the song. But Fumetsu does too.

I look up at him with a warm smile and he smiles back, us both sharing a small laugh.

Before now, it'd been a while since I'd matched so well with someone on the game. The competitiveness and drive in both of us made us the perfect pair.

We spent the whole song practically in perfect sync, so it was really going to come down to each beat...

We finish up the song out of breath. Fumetsu holds up his hand for a high five that I quickly return before leaning onto the back bar of the machine. The score shuffling feels like forever.

We both got double S ranks...

But my score wins by 40 points!

"What a tough match! Our final victor is, Y/N L/N!" Taku raises my hand and applause rings throughout the clubroom. Osano takes out his phone and holds it up as Osu hands me the trophy. After he takes the photo, I turn to Fumetsu.

"Why Me?" Male! Yandere Simulator Rivals X Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now