Hai guys! ^.^ Julia here! :3 Just want to tell you that there is a bit of intense swearing in this chapter... just a small warning. That is why it's rated R. And sorry if it's a bit confusing... someone decided to publish this before I was finished *cough cough* Katie *cough cough* .~.
I gasped, watching as Harry flailed miserably around the room, trying to shake the daddy long leg spider out of his curly brown hair. I slowly stood from my place in the circle and walked up to the handsome boy, who was now frozen and shaking in fear. I gently grabbed his arms to steady him and pulled the bug off of his head, crushing it and throwing it in the trash. His sparkling green eyes met my pale teal ones and he gulped, running a hand nervously through his now messed up hair.
"T-thanks." Harry whispered, his bottom lip quivering. I chuckled. "No problem."
"Now that Harriet has finished his spazz, time to continue our game." Katie sneered, smirking at the boy standing next to me, who groaned. "I've just earned myself a girly nickname, haven't I?" He frowned, placing a hand over his face in embarrassment.
I traveled back to my spot in the truth or dare circle and sat, watching as Harry lowered himself gingerly next to me. He spun the bottle, observing it spin around ten times before it stopped and pointed at my feet. Harry sighed, turning to me.
"Truth or dare, Julia?" He asked. I smiled. "Truth."
Katie snorted and mumbled something along the lines of 'goody-goody' before becoming silent once again.
"Have you ever skinny dipped before?" Harry said with a cheeky grin.
Well, here's Harry's over-confident attitude taking over again, I thought with a grimace.
"Yes..." I said, and his eyes widened. "With who?" Jimmy exclaimed loudly from his seat on Kara's ass across the circle. "Certainly no one you know. And, besides, that question wasn't asked in the truth." I said monotonously, gazing over at the now baffled Jimmy.
I tore my stare away from the awkward boy and twirled the bottle, watching as it landed on Katie.
"Truth or~"
"Dare." She interrupted, and I rose an eyebrow at her.
"The next time you have to go to the bathroom you have to ask permission to do so." I said, raising an eyebrow as she shrugged. "Not the worst dare, if you ask me."
Just as Katie reached to spin the bottle, Harry groaned and rested his head on my shoulder. "This game is getting boring," He whined.
Oh my god. Holy fuck. Shit fuck damn. His head is on my shoulder. His fucking hair is touching me. Ohmygod.
"Yeah, I suppose it is." I replied as calmly as I could, sitting still and enjoying the feeling of his soft curls against my neck. "Who wants to go upstairs and eat the rest of my dad's birthday cake?" Katie suggested, and Jimmy immediately sprung off of Kara's butt, causing her to grunt. "CAKE!" He exclaimed, racing up the stairs.
"Why does he like cake so much?" I asked. "No one knows~" Kara started, but was interrupted by a muffled bang from upstairs.
"Uhh... What was that?" Sara squeaked from the far corner of the basement.
"It was probably just Jimmy falling... Y-you know how clumsy he is." Harry mumbled, seeming nervous.
"Oh come on guys, what else could it~" Katie was cut off mid-sentence.
Jimmy came barreling down the unfinished wood stairs, tripping on the third to last one and smashing his face on the carpeted floor.
As soon as the stringy boy's head lifted off of the floor, Daniel grabbed Katie's novelty machete from its post on the wall, looking down at Jimmy with a sort of pleading sheen to his eyes. A choked sound escaped from the boy laying on the ground, which seemed to trigger Daniel to sprint upstairs.
"Whoa! No way in hell you're taking my machete!" Katie yelled, trying to push her way through Kara and Sara. They both immediately grabbed her arms, causing her to halt.
"If this is what we think it is, then you're better off letting him take your stupid sword." Kara growled through clenched teeth, releasing her firm grip on Katie's forearm.
"Guys. Up here. Now." Daniel's urgent voice sounded, and Jimmy quickly stood, a petrified look on his face as he started to make his way up to Daniel. Harry grabbed my hand and yanked me after Jimmy, and I assumed that Kara, Sara, and Katie were right behind us.
Jimmy stopped at the doorway, causing Harry to bump into him.
"What the hell, dude? If Daniel tells us to go to him, we go to him." Harry said angrily, but I think Jimmy was starting to have a bit of a panic attack because he didn't answer. The only thing he did was stand there. Stand there and look quite pale.
"Come on, move." Harry shoved Jimmy, who stumbled sideways into the hallway.
The sight in front of me was gruesome. Katie's father was lying, presumably dead, on the ground. A huge hole was stabbed through his brain, blood and bits of flesh surrounding his head and a suspicious looking bite taken out of his shoulder.
"What the fuck is that?" I said, my hand immediately gripping Harry's in a much stronger hold than before. "A walker." Daniel answered, nudging one of its lifeless arms with his foot. "Found this one wandering around the kitchen. I assume you saw the same one, yeah?" He said, flicking his head towards Jimmy. He nodded anxiously, swallowing twice.
"Dude, are you alright? You look like you're gonna be sick." Katie said, walking up after Kara and Sara made their way to stand side by side with Daniel.
Harry's arm suddenly made his way around my waist, and as I looked up at him I realized that I had been biting my lip with a scared look on my face for the past minute. Despite being grateful for the comfort, I did find it a bit weird that he thought we were this close after meeting only hours ago.
I watched anxiously as Katie surveyed the scene, worried about her reaction when she would see her father. I sunk farther into Harry's side, hiding my sight from the scene that was going to unfold in front of me.
I heard a short scream escape from what I was sure was Katie's mouth, followed by quite a bit of choked sounds. The grip around my waist tightened and I formed my mouth into a tight line.
"Whoa, Katie, what's wrong~" I heard Kara's alarmed voice cut off as Katie emitted a sob, and I finally decided to tear myself away from Harry to explain.
"That's... That's Katie's..." I felt my eyes beginning to water as well, watching as Katie backed up into the wall and covered her face. "That's her dad." I whispered, leaving my mouth hanging open slightly.
A small sound of apprehension floated from Daniel, who looked pained. He slowly made his way over to my friend, stopping when he was in front of her. He leaned closer, and I was almost sure that he was going to kiss her until he leaned farther and whispered something in her ear. Her hands slowly dropped to her sides as Daniel continued to have a hushed conversation with her.
Katie wrapped her arms around Daniel's neck, and he did the same to her. I stood, emotionless, in the middle of the hallway, thoughts racing through my mind as my head started to spin.
"Noah." I mumbled. "What?" Harry said, confused. "Noah." I said louder, an image of my little brother flashing in front of my eyes. "I need to go home." I exclaimed, walking into the living room. "Whoa! Wait, come back! You don't know what else is in here!" Harry shouted, but I completely disregarded his comment and walked numbly towards the front door.