Chapter 1: Rough start

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Sighing he leaned his head back eyeing the sign he'd been painting, it was a simple one all he had to do was touch up the dojo's name and the small Ninja Drawing in the center, yet he couldn't help but focus on every little detail, Every mistake that could possibly be made, frustrating him to no end

he sat Light of the lamp shining on the sign, hunched over as he eyed every detail, every imperfection, every chip and scr-

"Sylvester sit straight, you'll hurt your back, also put that away it's time to eat." Pulled from his thoughts he glanced over as a plate was sat in front of him, mac n cheese and some chicken, simple but his favorite, Glancing up he took a fork from Dareth "Thank you, dad." he stated pushing the paints and sign to the side

"Sign looks good kid, I can go hang it back up now" Dareth stated, a smile plastered on his face, kind and endearing, " no It's not done, I still have to fix the cracks, And the dojo name isn't right, see I misspelled sensei" He stated pointing at the sign as he took a bite

Dareth nodded calmly pushing himself off the wall, reaching out as he pat the air above his son's head "Gotcha kiddo, but worry about that later, I gotta drop you off at the walker's after you eat" he stated turning to leave

'Walkers?' Sylvester questioned before reaching out to look at the calendar hung above his desk, carefully sifting through the dates until he landed on the twelfth, in perfect neat writing it read 'Dad's trip, staying with the walker's"

"THAT WAS TODAY!?" he stood rushing to his dresser set beside his bed-sized bean-bag chair, reaching beside it he pulled out a large white and gold cleanly colored suitcase "Captain, come here" Sylvester called out glancing behind him

Darreth smiled, stepping out "make sure to eat that before we leave!" He called, leaving Sylvester to get ready, laughing to himself as he walked away.

A Maine coon came in soon after, stretching as he yawned "Mew?" he walked over nuzzling against the boy's leg before sitting politely in front of him "I need you to pick a vest, we're visiting the walkers and i completely forgot to pack" He carefully set three vest's in front of the cat, reading 'Service Animal' in bold

One was designed to be black and purple, the second was designed to be red and black. While the third was dirt brown wit. h stitching on it shaped like a cat done in gold, his father had done that, thinking it would be cute, it wasn't too big so Sylvester happily kept it

"Mew" Captain glanced at the vests as he circled a few times, before stopping at the red one and gently nudging it with his paw "Good choice, should I get your little pirate hat to match?" The cat Pawed at the ground, small Mews of excitement to show his answer

Nodding Sylvester pulled that hat out and set that and the vest into the suitcase "Should I pack my jackets?" He questioned turning to that cat who mewed shaking its head "yea your right, I won't need them in the desert"

He packed whatever he needed, asking captain every few minutes as if the cat would answer, finally Finishing with a few binders before zipping the suitcase up. "Captain, You want your bed? Or will you share Gidget's bed when we stay there?"

Captain mewed Before pawing at the open door "I'll assume you don't want the bed" he smiled petting the cat's head, grabbing his suitcase before walking out, heading downstairs "Dad we're ready to go!"

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