Chapter 2: Man Versus Snake, oldest battle in the book's

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After securing there prisoners Lloyd made his way into the trailer, getting into some snacks before coming back out with enough for him and fangtom, setting a bowl down for them, the fangpyre general explaining there plan of attack

Lloyd smiled listening, standing, climbing atop fangtom's lap, enjoying the warmth the serpentine gave off as he drifted to sleep, unaware of the scowl the two heads gave "Can't we jussst use him asss bait?" One soldier asked, walking up. Earning a glare as both heads spoke in unison "You imbecile, if he'sss truly ssson to the Lord garmadon we may have an advantage"

Kai yawned stretching as he Followed Zane into the Ships Bridge, Glancing around for a moment "Sure is alot of junk piling up. if only there was a place we could get rid of it" he stated, brushing his hair out of his eyes, Heading to the coffee machine as he stepped over invisible junk.

Zane quietly heading towards the control panel, Happy to simply start there work for the day,

Jay glared behind him "if you don't mind. I'm trying to focus." Turning back to focus on the loose wires

Taking Kai's lead, Cole hummed walking over with a small radio placed against one ear "Hi, Mom and Dad. Oh of course I'd love to visit, what kind of a son would I be if I didn't want to? Especially since one of my best friends is there" Setting the radio down as he huddled by Kai, kissing his cheek before making himself some coffee

Jay glared, setting his tools down, forcing a laugh " really funny guys. I know what your trying to do. Okay, look, I might have promised to visit my parent's and Sylvester, but there's alot on my plate, and Sylvester can litterly come over anytime he wants!"

Before he could get back to work, Nya walked in waving "morning boys" she smiled "h-hi Nya" Jay stuttered slightly laughing as he wiped oil from his face "you gonna visit your parent's today jay?" She questioned heading to the coffee maker

"Uhm, sure am. Just about to leave" jey stated standing up brushing off the overalls he was wearing, as he gathered up his tools putting them away. Nya nodded heading for the door once she had her coffee, sipping on it "tell your parents I said hi" She smiled leaving.

The ninja glared at Jay "What? So my plates not That full" he shrugged, turning his back to them before walking out.

Pulling on Wisps reigns Jay huffed "come on, Wisp, it's a quick visit. Just in and out nothing more." He continued to pull at the reins only for Wisp to push him over.

Wu calmly came from behind him holding a dragon sized thermometer "it is as I suspected, the dragons are molting. they're shedding their scales" he pointed onto the thermometer "and what exactly does that mean?" Jay asked head tilted

Wu sighed pointing his arm towards the General area of the dragons "aside from a few exceptions, every Elemental Dragon goes through a transformation before it becomes and adult, we must allow them to migrate east to the spirit coves for their transformation."

"Will we see them again?" Jay asked wide eyed as he glanced at wu "it is hard to say. But we need to allow them to follow their path.

the other's gasped, having come over somewhat hearing their conversation "Rockys going East?!" He was quick to bear hug his dragon's snout "say it isn't so, Rocky"

Zane and Kai quick to hug flare and shard respectively "protect them shard" Zane muttered gently hugging his dragon. Kai and Flame wrestled for a bit with a grin.

Jay walked over to nya "Well, I guess I gotta go on this long walk all by myself. Sure would be nice to have company.." Nya rolled her eyes with a smilemouth opening to speak. Only too but cut off

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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