Where are they!?

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(Raphs POV)

"All right guys, training time!" You yelled, running into the living room.

"..." Nobody was there except Splinter, who was relaxing on the recliner watching a Telenovela.

'Oops...' You whistled nonchalantly Like nothing had happened and walked off. Where were your brothers? Probably goofing off in the arcade room.

"Guys?" You peeked your head in the arcade room, it was silent.


You searched in the kitchen, the nearby sewers, Donnies Lab, Leos room, and everywhere else in between, before you remembered... you all had phones.

You called Donnie, because you knew that sometimes Leo And Mikey forget their phones. Donnie couldn't survive without his phone though, he took it everywhere.

"Hello you are conversing with Donatello."

"WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!?" You spat into the phone.

"Relax Raph!" You heard Leo say from the other line. "We're just on a walk around the city!"


"Pfft, no! We're strolling across the rooftops!"

"It's almost nighttime!" Mikey added

"I want all three of you back by 11:45 pm for training, or else You're all grounded for a week!"

"UGHHHHHH Fine." Leo groaned.

Little did you know, all three were coming back with one extra person.


This sucks so bad lol, it's not even 200 words, but that's another chapter folks! I'll see you all in a bit!

Rise! Raph x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now