Lock & Key

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A/N: This is my first Owl House fic, illustrations included. I love Gus and Hunter's canon relationship so much, especially how they've seen one another at their lowest and been there to support each other in their own ways. This is an AU story in which Gus and Hunter have both been aged up so that it makes sense they are in the same year-Gus is 16 (skipped two grades) and Hunter is 18. This fic is rated mature due to explicit sexual content.


When the autumn wind blew a heavy breeze past the tree outside  Hunter's window, the air shuddered though gangly branches in a shrill,  eerie wail

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When the autumn wind blew a heavy breeze past the tree outside Hunter's window, the air shuddered though gangly branches in a shrill, eerie wail. Leaves chattered in the cold, collecting on the school grounds in shallow piles of red, orange, and yellow. Hunter tapped the gold tip of his fountain pen against an inkwell, ignoring the tapestry of nature unfurled beyond his dorm room. The only sounds he heard were the scratches of a pen, the only sights he saw were equations on paper.

If he reached a difficult problem on his homework, Hunter would adjust the collar of his shirt and run his fingers through the hairline behind his ear. Occasionally, a huff of frustration would escape from his mouth, and he'd bite down on his lip to keep from making another uncouth sound. It was embarrassing how many childish habits he still had, even in his third year of high school.

Burgundy eyes swept across page after page of a thick, ancient textbook, irises shimmering a warm violet in the pink light of the sunset. Hunter's pupils would widen slightly when he figured out an answer, and his broad shoulders would scrunch up to lean forward over his desk. He wrote out all his work in precise steps, not a hair out of place or a stroke gone to waste.

And then a hand rat-a-tat-tatted a sudden, irritating melody against his window.


A strand of Hunter's golden bangs sprang forth from his combed-back locks.

"It's me-open up!"

The roundest, poutiest face ever seen on a teenage boy stared at him from behind glass panes. A lanky body sat on a tree branch that conveniently rested against the ledge to Hunter's window. Puppy dog eyes twinkled with a plea to enter the dorm and escape the evening chill.

Hunter grimaced, but unlatched the window.

"What do you want, Gus?" he grumbled, blocking the ledge with his crossed arms.

Gus observed him curiously, twitching like a kitten ready to pounce. He rubbed his arms through the scarlet blazer of his school uniform and said, "Would ya let me in first? It's cold out here."

"Yeah, and whose fault is that?" Hunter quirked his brow, completely unfazed.

"Hunter, please," Gus squeaked. "Don't let me freeze out here..."

The saccharine piece of Hunter's heart that felt pity for tiny animals writhed and twisted until he reluctantly stepped aside to let Gus enter his room. The landing was less than graceful, with Gus attempting to somersault and instead crashing on the floor so unceremoniously that Hunter prayed whoever had the room below his was at least deaf in one ear. Gus sprang up far too fast, wobbly legs shaking to find balance in a spinning world. Hunter watched the display with mild amusement.

Lock & Key (Gus x Hunter AU)Where stories live. Discover now