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Zane spent the next two days with Wren, Anton, and Nico making a case for Whisper's release and guardian. It seemed like a pretty good case that Anton came up with, not only for the facility she is in but also her brother. Anton had found some info about Will Beda and put something together. Later on the second day, he went to court to try and schedule an appointment while Zane anxiously waited with Nico and Wren outside.

Nearby was a newspaper stand that had a black and white picture of a dog on the front. A abnormally large dog that was laying with mournful eyes turned up to the camera. Wren grabbed a paper and started reading:

Vicious beast at large! If you see a dog with black fur with a light underbelly, call animal control. It attacked a patient at one of the local hospital facilities and there was no body found. A hunter shot the dog in the back, right hind leg, so it can't be far. Call the number below at any sign of this beast. DO NOT APPROACH!

"Zane, did you see this?" Wren asked as she read the article. "This isn't just a dog. It's a wolf. Do you think it's a rogue?"

Zane looked at the picture, read the article, then glanced at the picture again. Something about the eyes made him pause and doubt the words 'vicious beast'. They were sad and lonely, and it seemed like the poor canine was in a lot of pain. Though, Wren was right. It was too large to be an average dog. "I don't know. It doesn't look like a rogue, they're usually scrawny and patchy, if you know what I mean."

"It is scrawny. Even I can see the ribs," Wren replied. Nico came over and looked down at the paper. The woman said, "Maybe we should find it?"

"Hold on," Nico said and pointed to a line of words. "Look here."

"Our patient wasn't always so bad, but she was in a bad mood today. She wasn't steady because we were putting her into surgery, so she probably didn't see the dog coming. Dear thing! Never had a lot of trouble with her. But I was devastated to see her being torn apart so aggressively," said a nurse who witnessed the whole scene from the safety of the building.

All three stared at the article, then glanced at the picture, as if wondering how something as innocent as that could hurt a woman. Under the picture read: 'Picture taken in an alleyway where a man tried to calm the beast with food while calling Animal Control.'

"Hmm," Zane mused.

Anton appeared a few moments later with a tired expression. "Zane, we have a problem."

"Don't tell me they won't do it!" the Alpha groaned.

"No, they will. I'm talking different problems." At this, Zane became alert. Anton held up a newspaper just like the one Wren had. "Whoever this is, they're new at shifting. Most likely haven't done it before and are stuck."

Wren sighed in relief. "Thank the Goddess it isn't a rogue."

Anton shook his head. "No rogue, but a mighty fine looking wolf who needs help."

Zane nodded. "Great, Wren, Nico, go see if you can find this pup." They nodded and ran off. When he turned to Anton, he said, "And the appointment?"

"Next week today."

The Alpha nodded. "Good. I'm going to the hospital to check on Whisper. Follow Wren and Nico. If you find anything, let me know."

Anton nodded and left. Zane got into his truck and started to drive in the opposite direction. He couldn't wait to see Whisper. He couldn't wait to tell her that she'll be out of the horrid place sooner than later. Her green eyes would light up with joy and she'd uncurl from her little ball at the head of her bed and maybe smile.

Mate and Deception (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now